May 13, 1994
World Wide Web:
- Recently opened college and university WWW servers:
- California Polytechnic State University
- Georgetown University, Labryinth, Disciplinary Server for Medieval Studies
- Gustavus Adolphus College
- New Mexico State University, Computing Research Labs (CRL)
- University of Houston
- University of Southampton, England, High Performance Computing Centre
- University of Wisconsin-Madison, School of Journalism and Mass Communication
Kindergarden - 12th grade related WWW resources recenctly announced:
- "Navigating the Information Superhighway" provides a graphical interface to a sampling of the wide variety of information resources on the Internet. A part of the Kids on Campus exhibit at Cornell Theory Center, a program sponsored by the center during National Science and Technology Week.
- "Networks: Where Have You Been All My Life?" was the winning essay in a contest sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics, the National Science Foundation, and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration is now available. Written by Frank Gibson of New Hanover High School in Wilmington, North Carolina, the essay is titled "Networks: Where Have You Been All My Life?"
- Artspace, the University High School online gallery of student-created works is now available for your viewing pleasure.
- Jet Propulsion Lab Space Calendar home page
- Patch American High School located in Stuttgart, Germany -- ready for "Prime Time" on Mosaic!
- NOAA's Space Environment Center now offers a WWW server provides today's solar weather including a current solar image, x-ray and proton plots from GOES satellites, and the latest forecast of solar-terrestial conditions.
- The Meta Virtal Environments Page is an effort to include all of the references to various Virtual Reality projects worldwide in one home page. It is a service of the Graphics, Visualization and Usability Center at the Georgia Institute of Technology.
- TidBITS, a free weekly electronic publication that reports on interesting products and events in the computer industry is now available on the Web. TidBITS currently has an emphasis on the world of the Macintosh. Issued weekly, the publication occasionally includes formal review issues and special issues focussing on a single topic.
- Coalition for School Networking (CoSN) gopher now holds the file: "Distance Learning Projects in the US K-12" which was compiled by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI).
- Center for the Study of Population at Florida State University (FSU) provides demographers and other researchers with easy, organized access to the growing volume of demography- and population- related information available on international computer networks.
[Note: Originally reviewed as a gopher site; gopher site has been replaced by web site.] - The National Cancer Center in Tokyo, Japan, provides a gopher server which includes a well-organized sub-directory containing information about Japan. Brief files are organized under a dozen categories, including culture, economy, food, governement, and history.
- Nelson Mandela's address on his inauguration, Pretoria, May 10