August 19, 1994
The Scout Report is a weekly publication offered by InterNIC Information Services to the US. research and education community and others who who will benefit from the listed resources. Included are selected new and newly-discovered online resources, network news, and bits of net culture. The Scout Report is accessible via gopher and World Wide Web, and is distributed in both ascii and html formats via electronic mailing lists. See below for additional information and complete Scout Report access methods.NOTE: Internet resources announced during the off-week for the Scout Report (ending August 12) will not be missed. All sources normally used to build the Report will be covered in their entirety. The Report will be a bit longer this week and next as we incorporate these items. The '...College and University Web Servers' section has returned after a summer haitus. (Seems everyone's back from vacation.) Comments on the content of the Scout Report, and in particular the length of the Report and the individual items, are welcome and can be sent to access past issues of the Report or to browse the current issue via gopher or WWW:
Highlights in this week's Report:
- Department of Education offers Online Library.
- Now that the cosmic dust has settled, check out the Shoemaker-Levy comet /Jupiter collision images and data provided by NASA.
- ARL's Directory of Electronic Journals available online.
- Call for Internet in the classroom experiences for InterNIC newsletter.
- The King is alive and living on the 'Net: Elvis Homepage.
World Wide Web
- Department of Education's Online Library is the place to go to get the full text of the GOALS 2000: Educate America Act, the Prisoners of Time report, plus other education legislation, reports, and information. Other electronic "shelves" focus on issues such as technology and school-to-work.
- Florida Mental Health Institute, dedicated to research, training and program development for improving psychological wellbeing, has four main divisions: Aging and Mental Health, Child and Family Studies, Community Mental Health, and Mental Health Law and Policy.
- _Internet Web Text_ links users to information about Internet orientation, guides, reference materials, browsing and exploring tools, subject- and word-oriented searching tools, and information about connecting with people.
- Missouri Botanical Garden (MBG) Web site includes a tour of the Garden, a brief history lesson, the Flora of North America project, a gateway to other biological Web sites, and access to the MBG database. Over 600,000 WAIS-indexed records reside in the taxonomic database, accessible to any Web or gopher user.
- The National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC) at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center has announced availability of the latest Comet P/Shoemaker-Levy 9 (SL-9) impact images taken by the Hubble Space Telescope, Keck telescope, Calar Alto, European Southern, La Palma, MSSSO, etc. NSSDC staff has gathered close to 200 observations and associated results from around the world. The server has been accessed over 340,000 times.
- Natural History Museum, London, WWW server includes images from "Behind the Scenes" and links to their gopher and library catalog.
- The Oneida Indian Nation of New York WWW site provides historical and cultural information about the "Onyota'a:ka:"- "The People of the Standing Stone". Future releases may include an Oneida Indian Nation of New York News Service and an Iroquois Gift Shop.
- The School of Management at Renssealer Polytechnic Institute now maintains a web page called "Interesting Business Sites on the Web" for use in teaching and web training sessions.
- University of Florida's College of Journalism and Communications offers a list of links to commercial newspapers developing WWW editions, a list of Campus Newspapers on the Internet, and a collection of all the journalism/media/communications colleges and schools running WWW servers.
- Recently Announced College and University Web Servers
- Cornell Robotics and Vision Laboratory
- Syracuse University, Northeast Parallel Architectures Center
- Temple University
- The University of Texas Press
- University of Abertay Dundee, United Kingdom
- University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia
- University of Michigan, Population Studies Center
- University Of Technology, Sydney (U.T.S.), Australia
- University of Twente, The Netherlands, network management homepage
- African National Congress
- Beth Israel Hospital, Boston, MA
- The British Library's Portico is part of their Initiatives for Access programme and includes full publications lists, document supply information, and details on collections, exhibitions, and events.
[Note: Originally reviewed as a gopher site; gopher site has been replaced by web site.] - CANTUS - Database for Gregorian Chants for the Divine Office
- Directory of Electronic Journals from the Association of Research Libraries is now available online via gopher. An unrivalled source of information for high quality academic resources on the Internet, 440+ titles are listed in the current version.
For information on the print version, send mail to: - Early Childhood Laboratory at University of California - Davis
- Indiana Department of Education's Gopher
- Internet Services In Turkey
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
- TIES - Technology & Information Educational Services
National Information Infrastructure
- The Working Group on Intellectual Property Rights was established within the Information Policy Committee of the Information Infrastructure Task Force (IITF) to examine the intellectual property implications of the NII. The group has released a preliminary draft of its report, Intellectual Property and the National Information Infrastructure, which is now available on the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office WWW server.
- New documents on the Department of Commerce National Telecommunications Information Administration (NTIA) gopher:
- Applications Conference To Be Held, 09/07/94
- IITF August Report (08/10/94)
- Calendar of Public Events (08/10/94)
- Report of Advanced Digital Video in the NII Workshop
- IITF July Report (07/11/94)
- Information Infrastructure Inventories
- Federal Telemedicine Funding Mechanisms (08/10/94)
- Framework for NII Services (HTML-formatted)
- 07/27/94 Intl Working Group Hearing Transcript
- 07/28/94 Intl Working Group Hearing Transcript
- Technology Policy Working Group 07/07/94 Minutes
- An EFF FAQ for the 'Net activist: the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has compiled a list of Usenet newsgroups and Internet mailing lists and other resources of use to the online activist. Includes activism forums, and topical forums (computing futures, access to govt. info, privacy and censorship, regional politics, NII/GII/"Data Superhighway" issues, vitual community, civil liberties & human rights, etc.)
- The InterNIC newsletter, the NSF Network News, will focus on education and the Internet in the the upcoming September/October issue. If you are an educator who has used an Internet resource or service in the classroom, we would like to include your real-life examples of how the Internet has been used to enrich the learning experience. Contributions should provide sufficient detail to allow others to find and use the resource that you recommend. Please include your name, title, organization, email address, phone number, the URL or location of the resource or service, a brief description of how you used the resource, and how your students benefitted from the experience. Contributions can be sent to
Weekend Scouting
- The Elvis Presley Home Page is a musical and visual tribute to The King. Here you can find a tour of Graceland (Elvis' home), photographs, and sound clips. Also available are two nifty Elvis Windows applications.
- The Speculative Fiction Clearing House has pointers to many different net resources relating to science fiction and fantasy.
About the Scout Report
The Scout Report is a weekly publication offered by InterNIC Information Services to the Internet community as a fast, convenient way to stay informed about network activities. Its purpose is to combine in one place the highlights of new (and newly-discovered) online resources and other announcements seen on the Internet during the preceding week.A wide range of topics are included in the Report with an emphasis on resources thought to be of interest to the InterNIC's primary audience, the research and education community. Each resource has been verified for substantial content and accessibility within a day of the release of the Report.
The Scout Report is provided in multiple formats -- electronic mail, gopher, World Wide Web, and now HTML. The gopher and World Wide Web versions of the Report include links to all listed resources. The Report is released every weekend.
NOTE: In addition to the ascii version, the Scout Report is distributed in HTML format via a separate mailing list. This allows sites to easily add the Scout Report to their local WorldWideWeb servers each week, providing fast access for local users. Subscription information for the scout-report-html mailing list is included below. Note that permission statements appear on both versions of the Scout Report, and we ask that these be included in any re-posting or re-distributing of the report. Thank you.Comments and contributions to the Scout Report are encouraged and can be sent to
-- InterNIC Info Scout (SM)
Scout Report Access Methods
** To receive the electronic mail version of the Scout Report each Friday, join the scout-report mailing list which is used only to distribute the Scout Report once a week. Send mail to:majordomo@is.internic.netin the body of the message, type:
subscribe scout-reportto unsubscribe to the list, repeat this procedure substituting the word "unsubscribe" for subscribe.
** To receive the Scout Report in HTML format for local posting, subscribe to the scout-report-html mailing list, used exclusively to distribute the Scout Report in HTML format once a week. Send mail to:
majordomo@is.internic.netin the body of the message, type:
subscribe scout-report-html** To access the hypertext version of the Report, point your WWW client to:>> Gopher users can tunnel to:
is.internic.netselect: Information Services/Scout Report.
Copyright 1994 General Atomics.
Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of the Scout Report provided the copyright notice, this permission notice, and the two paragraphs below are preserved on all copies.
The InterNIC provides information about the Internet and the resources on the Internet to the US research and education community under the National Science Foundation Cooperative Agreement No. NCR-9218749. The Government has certain rights in this material.
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation, General Atomics, AT&T, or Network Solutions, Inc.