December 22, 1995
A Publication of Internet Scout
Provided by the InterNIC as a Service to the Internet Community
The Scout Report is a weekly publication offering a selection of new and newly discovered Internet resources of interest to researchers and educators, the InterNIC's primary audience. However, everyone is welcome to subscribe to one of the mailing lists (plain text or HTML) or visit the Web version of the Scout Report. Subscription instructions are included at the end of each report.

Research and Education
- Academia: A Monthly Online Magazine of Academic Titles and Information
- C.G. Jung, Analytical Psychology, and Culture
- The Cornell Theory Center Arts and Social Sciences Gateway
- TP Software's Home Page for Student Financial Aid Software
- NURSELRC moderated mailing list for nursing training
General Interest
- The Henrietta Leavitt Flat Screen Space Theater
- New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art
- "Parents and Children Together Online"
- Documents in the News
- World Wide Radio
- The Travel Channel Online Network
Network Tools

Academia: A Monthly Online Magazine of Academic Titles and Information
"Academia: A Monthly Online Magazine of Academic Titles and Information," is provided by Baker and Taylor Information and Entertainment Services. This publication, which is aimed at academic librarians, includes lists of University Press best sellers based on the University Press titles most in demand by academic libraries; academic essentials monthly lists of books pertaining to one subject; academic best sellers based on demand by academic libraries; and a huge upcoming books list, sorted into 100 subject areas and by academic level. Each entry in the upcoming lists includes author, title, publisher, ISBN, and price. Some entries include Dewey and/or LC classification.
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C.G. Jung, Analytical Psychology, and Culture
C.G. Jung, Analytical Psychology, and Culture is a publishing site on the World Wide Web devoted to Jungian psychology and related fields. Articles, papers, book and film reviews, Jungian directories, course listings and other announcements are available.
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The Cornell Theory Center Arts and Social Sciences Gateway
The Cornell Theory Center Arts and Social Sciences Gateway provides links to language arts, foreign languages, the fine arts, social studies, and history. It is aimed at "all K-12 students and educators," and was created by elementary and high school librarians, with help from the Theory Center Information Group. It joins the Theory Center's Math and Science, and Educators Gateways, which have been available since last Spring.
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TP Software's Home Page for Student Financial Aid Software
TP Software's Home Page for Student Financial Aid Software, provides a link to the Hypertext Student Guide to Financial Aid from the U.S. Department of Education, plus other student aid resources such as Purdue's Student Loan Counselor, Brown University's FAQ on financial aid, and more. Also offered is a shareware version of their College Funding Finder software for DOS and Windows.
[Note: Resource(s)/URL(s) mentioned above is no longer available.]
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NURSELRC moderated mailing list for nursing training
Nurselrc is a moderated mailing list for nursing Learning Resource Centre faculty and staff to network about psychomotor skill acquisition, care and maintenance of equipment, instructional strategies, computer and audio-visual resources and funding sources. Other goals of this list will be the sharing of specific needs, experiences and ideas for the day-to-day support of LRC personnel. The list will be archived monthly.
send email to:majordomo@Douglas.BC.CA
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subscribe NurseLRC
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The Henrietta Leavitt Flat Screen Space Theater
The Henrietta Leavitt Flat Screen Space Theater is named for an American astronomer working at the Harvard Observatory in the beginning of this century. The site is authored by Carolyn Collins Petersen, an accomplished astronomy writer and part-time Hubble researcher. Carolyn takes viewers to "The Planetarium Show That Never Ends," where various heavenly bodies are displayed and described in non-scientific but informative and inspiring ways. Next stop is the "The Space Image Gallery" where we can view beautiful photos of star birth, Jupiter's Moons, and the Cat's Eye Nebula, all with brief, lucid descriptions. The Flat Screen Space Theater is not so much educational as it is inspirational for those of us who haven't stopped recently to view the photos coming back from space, and so have forgotten what all the fuss is about.
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New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art
New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art has opened a Web site, with information about the museum, floor plans detailing what type of art is located where, a calendar of events and exhibitions, and, at present, a limited sampling of the museum's collection.
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"Parents and Children Together Online"
"Parents and Children Together Online," a magazine whose goal is to promote family literacy and parent-child read-alongs, is now freely available via the Web. The Fall 1995 issue includes stories for grades K-3 and 4-6, articles on cats and Scottish Terriers, a story in Spanish, The Global Campfire that allows children to read part of a story and add to it themselves, book reviews, and links to related sites. The magazine is a part of The Family Literacy Center at the ERIC Clearinghouse for Reading, English and Communication.
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Documents in the News
The University of Michigan Government Documents center provides a Documents in the News page. Taken from official sources, this page has full text documents on such subjects as Yitzhak Rabin's assassination, Bosnia, the Oklahoma City Bombing, the Ebola Virus, the United Nations Conference on Women, the G7 Summit, term limits, and the Unabomber, among many others.
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World Wide Radio
The World Wide Radio (WWR) is the best way for people to stay in touch with some of the hottest new bands from throughout the world. Audio clips and biographies are available for most of the bands listed. Also, you can order CDs or cassettes for most of the bands listed.
[Note: When last checked by the Internet Scout team, this site URL was no longer available.]
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The Travel Channel Online Network
The Travel Channel Online Network integrates broadcast and online programming to provide an evolving resource for a personalized travel experience. It includes sections that point to vacation information sites, travel newsletters, program listings for The Travel Channel, submitted photographs, and a monthly spotlighted new topic, and a travel chat room.
[Back to Contents] is a new service from c|net: the computer network that features the Virtual Software Library (VSL) search engine. "You can search for, browse, and download the best software -- including freeware, shareware, demos, fixes, patches, upgrades -- from the top managed software archives and computer vendor sites on the Internet." At present, there are over 150,000 files in the archive. The site also offers an e-mail newsletter to keep current on new additions.
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Scout Report and Scout Report HTML Subscription Instructions
- To receive the electronic mail version of the Scout Report each week, join the scout-report mailing list. This is the only mail you will receive from this list.
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- To receive the Scout Report in HTML format for local viewing and posting, subscribe to the scout-report-html mailing list, used exclusively to distribute the Scout Report in HTML format once a week.
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The Scout Report's Web page:
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Copyright Susan Calcari, 1995. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of the Scout Report provided the copyright notice and this paragraph is preserved on all copies. The InterNIC provides information about the Internet to the US research and education community under a cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation: NCR-9218742. The Government has certain rights in this material.
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Wisconsin - Madison, the National Science Foundation, AT&T, or Network Solutions, Inc.