Copyright Permissions

Copyright notice to be used when reproducing a portion of an Internet Scout publication, in any format:

Copyright © 2021 Internet Scout Research Group -

Copyright notice to be used when reproducing an entire Internet Scout publication, in any format:

Copyright © 2021 Internet Scout Research Group -

The Internet Scout Research Group, located in the Computer Sciences Department at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, provides Internet publications and software to the research and education communities under grants from the National Science Foundation, the Andrew W. Mellon foundation, and other philanthropic organizations. Users may make and distribute verbatim copies of any of Internet Scout's publications or web content, provided this paragraph, including the above copyright notice, is preserved on all copies.

Citing the Scout Report

We recommend citing individual issues of the Scout Report as Web pages on the Internet Scout website. In the following examples, all information in brackets will vary from citation to citation.


General: Internet Scout Research Group. ([Date of publication]). "The Scout Report -- Volume [#], Number [#]." Retrieved from [URL].

Example: Internet Scout Research Group. (2016, December 2). "The Scout Report -- Volume 22, Number 47." Retrieved from


Note: The URL is optional, but suggested in this case.

General: Internet Scout Research Group. "The Scout Report -- Volume [#], Number [#]." Internet Scout. [Date of publication]. Web. [Date of access]. <[URL]>.

Example: Internet Scout Research Group. "The Scout Report -- Volume 18, Number 3." Internet Scout. 20 Jan. 2012. Web. 14 Sept. 2012. <>.

Chicago 16th Edition

General: Internet Scout Research Group. "The Scout Report -- Volume [#], Number [#]." Internet Scout. Last modified [date of publication]. [URL].

Example: Internet Scout Research Group. "The Scout Report -- Volume 18, Number 3." Internet Scout. Last modified January 20, 2012.