The Scout Report -- Volume 15, Number 50

December 18, 2009

A Publication of Internet Scout
Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Sponsored by University of Wisconsin - Madison Libraries.

A Note to our Readers

Research and Education

General Interest

Network Tools

In The News

A Note to our Readers

Scout Holiday Publishing Schedule

The Scout Report will be on vacation December 25th and January 1st. We will return with the January 8th, 2010 report.
Best Holiday wishes and see you next year,

Chanda Halderman
Managing Editor

Research and Education

A Calm Voice in a Strident World: Senator J.W. Fulbright Speaks [pdf]

Senator J.W. Fulbright served the United States and the state of Arkansas in the Senate for four terms in the period after World War II. He was an astute student of American foreign policy, and he remained a "voice of calmness in the halls of congress, counseling international cooperation, the exchange of information, and support for the United Nations." The University of Arkansas's Special Collections group has created this archive of 50 of Fulbright's speeches (along with related materials) for the web-browsing public. The homepage for the collection contains a timeline of the senator's life and accomplishments, along with a bibliography of different works, and a selection of photographs. Visitors can use the "Browse the Collection" area to get a sense of Fulbright's primary passion as a legislator, and they will find transcripts of talks that include "America's Place in World Affairs" and "International Education and the Hope for a Better World". [KMG]

ToxLearn: A Multi-Module Toxicology Tutorial

The U.S. National Library of Medicine's Toxicology and Environmental Health Information Program and the U.S. Society of Toxicology have teamed up to create ToxLearn which is an interactive multi-module learning tool. The purpose of this tool is to provide an introduction to fundamental toxicological principles and concepts, and it does not require any knowledge beyond a basic understanding of biology and chemistry. First-time visitors can click on the "Overview" area to learn more about the modules, which can also be used as an ancillary curriculum to an undergraduate level toxicology course. There are three modules in the course, and while only one is currently available in its entirety, the other two will be added shortly. Each of the modules contains a series of slides and text passages, along with a link to a glossary. This is a tremendous resource, and medical educational professionals and others will find it invaluable. [KMG]

To find this resource and more high-quality online resources in math and science visit Scout's sister site - AMSER, the Applied Math and Science Educational Repository at

Genes to Cognition Online

The Dolan DNA Learning Center at Cold Spring Harbor, NY has created this fantastic website to explore neuroscience, and it is focused on cognitive disorders, cognitive processes, and research approaches. There are many activities on the site, and each is broken down into six categories of analysis, "Genes", "Biochemicals", "Cells", "Brain Anatomy", "Cognition", and "Environment". Thus, clicking on "Bipolar Disorder" under the "Disorders" tab at the top of the page, will take the visitor to a "subway line" at the top of the page. There are several "stops" on the line, and each allows the visitor to learn about the key areas of bipolar disorder research. Scrolling over the stops opens up a small window with a blurb about the content to view. The blurb also shows whether the content is a video, an application, animation, etc. Visitors wishing to see all the research available, should click on the network map, which is the screen behind the smaller "subway line" page. The "Teacher Feature", under the "Targeted Content" tab, and next to the small model of the brain, offers lessons on such topics as autism, memory, and ethical decision-making. "Teacher Pages," "Student Worksheets", and "Test Items" are offered in PDF form. [KMG]

To find this resource and more high-quality online resources in math and science visit Scout's sister site - AMSER, the Applied Math and Science Educational Repository at

UNICEF: The Convention on the Rights of the Child [Flash Player, pdf]

This UNICEF website focuses on the 20 year anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The positive and concrete impact the Convention has had, and the challenges that lie ahead for it, can be read about in an assessment by the Chief of the Gender and Rights Unit of UNICEF's Policy and Practice Division, under the link "CRC Turns 20", at the top of the page. The "Oneminutesjr" videos, accessible via a link on the left side of the page, are one minute videos created by kids age 12-20 that address the rights of the child. The videos were part of a contest for the anniversary, and are divided up by topic, such as "Civil Rights and Freedoms", "Health and Welfare", "Protection from Violence and Exploitation", and "Education and Culture". Visitors will also enjoy the photo essays, which are available under the "Multimedia" heading in the lower right hand corner of the homepage. The essays feature photos with a caption of the subjects, as well an article from the convention that illustrates the photo. [KMG]

National Institute of Corrections Library [pdf]

The National Institute of Corrections, an agency within the U.S. Department, Federal Bureau of Prisons, has an online presence that undoubtedly makes it easier for them to achieve their goal to "provide training, technical assistance, information services, and policy/program development assistance to federal, state, and local corrections agencies." The online library not only provides relevant reading materials and up to date information, it also offers "Self-Study Options", such as "Online Curricula" and "Video Learning". These can be found on the far left hand side of the library homepage, near the top. The "Ask a Research Expert" feature under the heading "Assisted Research", on the left hand menu offers research help to corrections professionals via an online help desk. Since 75% of the physical library's collection is not online, there are librarians available for this type of assisted research. The "Popular Topics" link, on the left hand menu, offers key resources and documents on almost a dozen commonly researched topics. [KMG]

Connecting the Dots [pdf]

The Demos thinktank organization is based in London, and they never shy away from the tough topics. This 108-page paper released in November 2009 is titled "Connecting the Dots" and was written by Demos staff members Jake Chapman, Charlie Edwards, and Simon Hampson. This paper "offers an approach premised on learning and adaptation, which demands that politicians and policymakers be prepared to embrace uncertainty and complexity." It does this by taking a close look at three very complex and intractable policy issues: illicit drugs in Mexico, London gang crime, and climate change. The report includes five separate chapters, along with a section of references. For anyone looking for a compelling voice in the wide world of public policy and related matters, this paper is an excellent find. [KMG]

National Science Foundation: Tour of the Cell

A cell happens to be the smallest unit of life, but there's a tremendous amount of activity going on within this very fascinating place. The talented people at the National Science Foundation (NSF) are well aware of this fact, and they have created this illuminating and interactive visual feature to help people learn about the cell's different components. On the homepage, visitors are presented with a clickable illustration of the cell's primary components, including the nucleus, the cell membrane, and mitochondria. Clicking on any of these various items brings up a detailed illustration, complete with a brief description of its function. Finally, visitors can also view the complete illustration by clicking on the "Full Illustration" link. [KMG]

To find this resource and more high-quality online resources in math and science visit Scout's sister site - AMSER, the Applied Math and Science Educational Repository at

General Interest

The Crisis

The Crisis is the official magazine of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and it was founded by W.E.B. Du Bois in 1910. The title of the magazine is taken from a poem by James Russell Lowell titled "The Present Crisis". In his first editorial written for the magazine, Du Bois remarked that "its editorial page will stand for the rights of men, irrespective of color or race, for the highest ideals of American democracy, and for reasonable but earnest and persistent attempts to gain these rights and realize these ideals." Today, The Crisis continues as a current-affairs journal, and a recent digitization project sponsored by Google has made the complete run of the publication available here. As with many other digitized books and magazines on Google Books, visitors can browse through each issue or perform a more detailed keyword search across the entire collection. [KMG]

The Journal of the Polynesian Society

The Polynesian Society was founded in 1892 and their primary aim "was the scholarly study of past and present New Zealand Maori and other Pacific Island peoples and cultures." The Society continues to pursue this goal through this journal, and they have recently worked with The University of Auckland Library to progressively digitize the first 100 years of the journal. Started in 1892, the Journal of the Polynesian Society covers many topics, including archaeology, anthropology, sociology, and geography. First-time visitors can read the brief introduction to the project on the homepage, and then click on the "Enter" tab to get started. Visitors can browse through each issue at their leisure, and they can also use the "Search" feature to look for specific topics or keywords. [KMG]

Middle Tennessee Oral History Project [Real Player]

The purpose of the Middle Tennessee State University Oral History Project is to document the memories of a wide range of people who live in or have roots in the region. Over the past several years, the Project has talked to dozens of residents about their life experiences, and some of these interviews are available on this site. Some of the topics covered by the interviewees include African American community leadership in the town of Murfreesboro, veteran affairs, local politics, women's organizations, farming, medical history, and economic development. Visitors can scroll down the list of interviewees and find one that interests them, and then listen to the interview. Some of the interviews that first-time visitors may wish to hear include Williams Sellers recollections of his time as county attorney from 1957 to 1983 and Johnnie Corbitt's time with the Civilian Conservation Corps. [KMG]

Michigan County Histories and Atlases

The University of Michigan has worked together with the Michigan Council of Library Directors and a variety of other institutions to create this collection of Michigan county histories published before 1926. All told, the collection contains over 192 histories dating back to 1866, and visitors can click on the "Read more about the project" link to find out about the contributing institutions and the project's goals. Visitors can start by using the "Browse" feature to look over the various histories by title, author, or subject. The local histories are fantastic repositories of information about local businesses, transportation, cultural activities, town personalities, and industry. Additionally, visitors can use the "Help" feature to learn more about the functionality and detailed features available here. [KMG]

NASA: Lessons of a Widowmaker (and Other Aircraft) [Flash Player]

The website opens with the sound of a jet taking off, and then proceeds to show an array of games, books, and other intriguing elements. When visitors click on the photos of the planes here, three boxes pop up that contain an "Overview" of the plane, the "Specifications" of the plane, and an "Image". But even more fun is when visitors click on the PDA that sits near the coffee cup on the desk. A larger version of the PDA screen pops up, and a menu of videos is shown. The videos range from the birth of the B-29 in 1944 to a 1966 video of a zero gravity flight facility to the 2006 roll out and takeoff of a Lockheed U-2. Visitors should definitely click on the MP3 player that sits near the lamp on the desk, and there they can learn the titles of the funky electronica music that is the soundtrack to the homepage. Additionally, clicking on the "Learning Channel", from the "Music Channel", enables visitors to hear brief lessons on various aircraft-related topics, such as "Ice and Aircraft", "Morphing Aircraft", and "Models and Testing". [KMG]

To find this resource and more high-quality online resources in math and science visit Scout's sister site - AMSER, the Applied Math and Science Educational Repository at

Gypsies (Romanies) and Travelers

The University of Toledo's Carlson Library has a large collection of Gypsy literature, and the University's commitment to Gypsy studies is documented in the "Introduction" section's "Vision Statement". Additionally, the "Introduction" provides a history of the study of gypsies, and how it always has been, and still is, fraught with debate. The "Photo Galleries" tab at the top of the page, features photos of Gypsy-Americans in Los Angeles taken by professional photographer Lyn Smith. There are also historic photos of Gypsy immigrants featured in Smith's eight set gallery entitled "Celebrations & Portraits". The "Videos" tab includes videos of Gypsies from around the world, including Las Vegas, Colombia, Hungary and a Belgrade suburb, where Gypsies convert Citroen and Dyana cars into "Mad Max-like" vehicles which they use to pick up "cardboard, bottles and scrap metal" to recycle for money. [KMG]

Women's Law Initiative [Last reviewed in the Scout Report on August 9, 2002]

Women' was founded in February 2000 by attorneys, educators, advocates, and web designers, with the aim of using the internet to facilitate help for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. The language of the website is written in an accessible style, which is most welcome. The menu tab called "Know the Law", across the top of any page, has information available under state, federal, tribal, and religious law, and addresses common issues like "parental kidnapping", "restraining orders", "divorce", and "suing your abuser", in a question-and-answer format. Helpfully, the text of the laws of each state that aid or effect domestic abuse survivors can be found on this site, under the "Legal Statutes" tab, at the far right hand side of the menu across the top of any page. "State Statutes", "Federal Statutes", and "Tribal Statutes" are available. The "Helping Others" tab offers information on such groups as "Lawyers", "Doctors and Healthcare Workers", "Religious Leaders", and "Salon Professionals". The last group may come as a surprise, but visitors can read an article entitled "Enlisting the Aid of Hairstylists as Sentinels for Domestic Abuse", to learn about CUT IT OUT, which teaches salon professionals to recognize abuse in their clients. [KMG]

Network Tools

Jing 2.2.9337

Jing is a screen capture program with a few novel differences. Like many screen capture programs it features a capture field that allows users to easily define what they wish to incorporate into each individual "capture". Visitors can also use the software to collaborate on a design project by sharing visual materials and even instruct family members on how to use different applications and programs. There is also a paid version of Jing available for $15 which gives users the ability to record directly from their webcam. This version is compatible with computers running Windows XP or Vista or Mac OS X 10.4.11 or later. [KMG]

SlimBrowser 4.12

Some people have been dedicated fans of the Slim Browser for years, and others who might not be acquainted with this novel browser may be won over by its features. The user interface is a bit busy, but users can customize the program to rearrange the toolbars, and also add or remove different buttons. This version also contains a built-in internet form filler, a spell checker, and a variety of customizable skins. This version is compatible with computers running Windows 98 and newer. [KMG]

In The News

As holidays approach, an unwelcome guest attempts to enter the Great Lakes

Be Careful What You Fish For [Free registration may be required]

EPA to spend $13 million to help stop Asian carp

Officials in US Look for Fixes to Carp Problems

Single Asian Carp Found in Canal as Cleanup Continues

National Invasive Species Information Center [pdf]

Fish and Fisheries of the Great Lakes Region

As a variety of holiday celebrations mark the end of the year, family and friends living near the Great Lakes might have to cope with certain visitors that they don't find terribly pleasant. The entire Great Lakes region is facing a rather unwelcome guest who can be quite overbearing and voracious: the Asian carp. The Great Lakes have seen a variety of invasive species enter in past years (such as the zebra mussel), and scientists, fisherman, and elected officials have always held their collective breaths as they wait to see what effects these species might have on native populations. Recently a variety of experts, including members of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, converged on the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal in order to treat the area with a fish-killing poison designed to keep them from entering the Great Lakes proper. While early efforts have only yielded one specimen, officials are optimistic that future attempts may exterminate more carp. Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm has called for a stronger response to this potential invasion, asking that all locks in the state of Illinois close temporarily until various government agencies can demonstrate that Asian carp can not enter Lake Michigan. [KMG]

The first link will take users to a piece from this Saturday's New York Times that addresses the Asian carp situation. The second link will whisk interested parties to a news article from this Monday's Milwaukee Journal Sentinel on the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) efforts to help halt the movement of this species. Moving on, the third link leads to a special report from the Voice of America on potential solutions to this problem. The fourth link leads to a press release from the Alliance for the Great Lakes on the cleanup of the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal that took place recently. The fifth link leads to the homepage of the National Invasive Species Information Center. Here visitors can learn about current invasive species news from around the country and also learn about efforts to control such species across the country. Finally, the last link leads to a webpage provided by the Great Lakes Information Network. Visitors to this site can view guides to fish species of the Great Lakes, check out different data sources, and also view up-to-the minute news. [KMG]

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From The Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout 1994-2009.

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Copyright Internet Scout, 1994-2009. Internet Scout (, located in the Computer Sciences Department of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, provides information about the Internet to the U.S. research and education community under a grant from the National Science Foundation, number NCR-9712163. The Government has certain rights in this material. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of the entire Scout Report provided this paragraph, including the copyright notice, are preserved on all copies.

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The Scout Report (ISSN 1092-3861) is published weekly by Internet Scout

Internet Scout Team
Max GrinnellEditor
Chanda HaldermanManaging Editor
Edward AlmasyCo-Director
Rachael BowerCo-Director
Andrea CoffinMetadata Specialist
Clay CollinsInternet Cataloger
Emily SchearerInternet Cataloger
Tim BaumgardWeb Developer
Kyle MannaTechnical Specialist
Benjamin YuleTechnical Specialist
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Debra ShapiroContributor

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