The Scout Report for Science & Engineering
October 1, 1997
A Publication of the Internet Scout Project
Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison
The target audience of the new Scout Report for Science & Engineering is faculty, students, staff, and librarians in the life sciences, physical sciences, and engineering. Each biweekly issue offers a selective collection of Internet resources covering topics in the sciences, and related fields such as math and engineering, that have been chosen by librarians and content specialists in the given field of study.
The Scout Report for Science & Engineering is also provided via email once every two weeks. Subscription information is included at the bottom of each issue.
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Current Awareness
Learning Resources
New Data
General Interest
In the News
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WINDandSEA: The Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences Internet Locator--NOAA
Provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Central Library, this meta-page links to over 750 sience and policy related sites. Each site is selected and briefly annotated by NOAACL staff. The page is organized topically, and then alphabetically within topic. At present over 35 topics are available, from air pollution to wetlands. In addition, there are connections to sites of current interest. Although the site lacks a search engine and is available only as a single page (nearly 200K) at this time, the number of sites and the usefulness of the index make this a very good place to start for those interested in the oceanic and atmospheric sciences. [JS]
[Back to Contents]AIC Journals Online
For an unspecified trial period, the Agricultural Institute of Canada is offering free, full-text versions of selected 1997 issues of the Canadian Journal of Animal Science, the Canadian Journal of Plant Science, and the Canadian Journal of Soil Science (Adobe Acrobat [.pdf] format only). Following this trial period, the AIC will continue to offer tables of contents and selected abstracts since 1996 in HTML. [DF]
[Back to Contents]Superplasticity on the Web
John Pilling, Professor of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering at the Michigan Technological University, has compiled a large amount of information regarding superplasticity. The Deformation section contains a technical description of the theory of superplasticity. Users can learn about the history and processing of superplastics in the Historical and Processing sections. A search engine provides access to a database of papers on superplasticity. The Journal Index allows the user to find articles in the database based solely on year of publication. Listings of conference proceedings from 1982 to the present are available in the Conference Index. Information concerning upcoming conferences is also available. Note that this is a work in progress, with sections on Fracture-Cavitation, Forming, and Diffusion Bonding forthcoming. [KH]
[Back to Contents]Genome Navigator [Java]
Genome Navigator was designed by Andrei Grigoriev of the Max-Plank-Institute for Molecular Genetics. It serves as a visual interactive gateway to major databases containing information on human, mouse, and selected yeast and bacteria genomes. The functional heart of the site is a Java applet called DerBrowser, which provides a display of genomic maps, and allows users to display and navigate various types of maps. The creator of this site has conveniently referenced the data source for each genome. By selecting a genome region between two objects or base pair intervals, users can call up a portion of a genome or load an entire chromosome. Users may also query external databases about any map object or use the hypertext links to move to other databases and software interfaces. [DF]
[Back to Contents]Rotor Dynamics--University of Bradford
Rotor dynamics, the study of rotating machines, is presented in an easy-to-follow manner. Each "chapter" at this site, an offshoot of an international symposium on multi-body dynamics hosted in March 1997 by the University of Bradford (UK) Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, discusses a sub-area of rotor dynamics, such as the rotating shaft, bearings, and instability in rotating machinery. Information is presented textbook style with plenty of equations and some figures. Links to other sites dealing with rotation of machines are available for each sub-area and include commercial and non-commercial sites. [KH]
[Back to Contents]Ecological Database of the World's Insect Pathogens (EDWIP)
Improvements in global transportation along with increased movement of agricultural and horticultural products has allowed more species of insect pests to spread around the world. As the number of exotic pathogens and pest arthropods has increased, so has the need to find alternatives to pesticides which persist and magnify within species and ecosystems. The field of microbial control has expanded in response to these two trends. Created by David Onstad of the Center for Economic Entomology, Illinois Natural History Survey, this database contains information on fungi, viruses, protozoa, mollicutes, nematodes, and bacteria that are infectious to insects, mites and other arthropods. It is intended to serve as a broad source of ecological information for researchers dealing with insect-related ecological problems. This site is a valuable source of information for scientists involved in microbial control research as well as those interested in the possible risks of releasing microbial control agents. An easy-to-use search mechanism allows users to access information on a particular pathogen, host or association. [DF]
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Quantum Mechanics--UCSD [QuickTime]
This site is a wonderful companion for a physical chemistry student studying quantum mechanics. Material is presented in slide formats with the option to view selected movies pertaining to the subject. Ten subject areas within the field of quantum mechanics are covered, including energy levels, wavefunctions, atomic orbitals, and the Schroedinger Equation. Definitions of terms are not provided. Users can link to Quantum's parent page, Physical Chemistry, also developed by the Wilson Group at the University of California, San Diego. [KH]
[Back to Contents]Smithsonian Catalog of Botanical Illustrations
Based in the Department of Botany at the National Museum of Natural History, Alice Tangerini has compiled a preliminary list of 500 botanical illustrations from three plant families: Bromeliaceae, Cactaceae, and Melastomataceae. Another 2500 illustrations will be added to the database in the future. Both botanists and those interested in the field of botanical illustration will appreciate the beautiful images and the brief biographies of the illustrators themselves. Each black-and-white or color illustration contains information on the subject, the client for whom it was prepared, and the publication in which it first appeared. [DF]
[Back to Contents]Mathematical Modeling--University of Georgia
All materials from a Mathematical Modeling class, taught at the University of Georgia, are available via this web site. The development of the course is supported by a curriculum development grant from the University and also by additional funding from the National Science Foundation. The course focuses on "quantitative literacy and the use of elementary mathematics to describe and explore real-world data and phenomena." The syllabus, class log (notes and references from the lecture for the day), slide shows, spreadsheets, project assignments, on-line notes, and software are available at this site. [KH]
[Back to Contents]Cephalopods
The Cephalopod Page
In Search of Giant Squid
Kaikoura, National Geographic Expedition Online
James Wood of Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia has built a comprehensive and easily-navigated page dealing with this fascinating group of marine organisms. The class Cephalopda, which contains the squids, nautilus, cuttlefish, and octopuses, contains the largest invertebrates and those with the most highly developed nervous systems. This site is an outstanding source of information on taxonomy and life-history, as well as color images of living and extinct cephalopods. It contains numerous links to related sites including In Search of Giant Squid. Plumbing the depths of the world's oceans for a creature that has historically touched the depths of human fears, this site chronicles the 1997 Smithsonian expedition to learn more about the elusive Giant Squid, which has never been observed in its natural habitat. The Smithsonian site contains images, an expedition journal, and a site link to the National Geographic Giant Squid expedition to the Kaikoura Canyon off the coast of New Zealand. [DF]
[Back to Contents]A-Bomb Bibliography: The Physicists and the Bomb
An unnanotated bibliography of atomic bomb articles, books and information was compiled by Physicist Michael Sanders for the class "Physicists and the Bomb" offered at the University of Michigan. It contains hundreds of items concerning the creation, use, and effects of the atomic bomb, as well as selected hypertext links to relevant sites. [KH]
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United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Home Page
The UNEP site is divided into two sections: Conventions and Programs. Environmental scientists, biologists and students will find summary information and links for eight UNEP conventions including the Biodiversity Treaty, CITES (trade in endangered species), Climate Change, Migratory Species and the Montreal Protocol which addresses ozone depletion. Natural resource economists and researchers with an interest in international trade will find information on five major UNDP programs dealing with the interface between the environment and the global economy including: Economics, Trade and the Environment, Global Resources Information Database (GRID), and UNEP Europe. A search engine is forthcoming. [DF]
[Back to Contents]Ocean Planet--Smithsonian Institution
Ocean Planet is a Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition that now has a companion on-line exhibition. It covers varied topics associated with the ocean, such as the science of the ocean, the animals, people, and communities who use the ocean, and pollution problems currently endangering ocean resources. The exhibit features all of the text and a good portion of the images from the traveling exhibit. The curator of this exhibit has put together six special interest tours such as biodiversity, women and the sea, and pollution. Users can also build their own special tour from a list of key words. The current list contains only four words, but is expected to grow in the future. A comprehensive list of educational materials and ocean resources has been included. [KH]
[Back to Contents]American Board of Forensic Entomology Home Page
Robert Hall of the University of Missouri-Columbia has taken a rather unsavory subfield of entomology and compiled an interesting and comprehensive collection of information. From this site we learn that forensic entomology is the science of using insect evidence to reveal circumstances of interest to the law, often related to a crime. Such key information as time of death, whether a body was moved, and the conditions under which a body was kept can be revealed by examination of the organisms found on a corpse and their stage of development. Scientists and criminal investigators have utilized such information for well over one hundred years, but the field has only recently gained widespread use. Sections cover history, case studies, the profession, and a list of members of the American Board of Forensic Entomology. [DF]
[Back to Contents]The Yucca Mountain Project
The US Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management has created this site to provide information about the site characterization phase of the Yucca Mountain Project (YMP), a project designed to build and operate an underground disposal facility for spent nuclear fuel. The Site Characterization Project is an intensive scientific study to determine the suitability of the site for disposal of the spent fuel. This site provides general and techincal information about the project, photos of the site and work in progress, and project history. A search engine is available. Links to websites related to nuclear waste disposal and related topics are also provided. Interested users can also send in questions or comments about Yucca Mountain to the project team. [KH]
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For links to additional current awareness on tables of contents, abstracts, preprints, new books, data, conferences, etc., visit the Science & Engineering Current Awareness Metapage: from UNESCO
International Marine Meeting List
Just Published Resources
With numerous meetings scheduled in the remaining months of 1997 and a flood of new gatherings organized to mark 1998 (International Year of the Ocean), this United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization site will keep conference information organized and up to date for interested users. Compiled by UNESCO's Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) and a number of organizers, this site provides a list of conferences with short to extensive summaries of their focus. Most contain hypertext email links for registration or additional information. Many contain hypertext URLs for direct links to conference web pages. UNESCO recently celebrated its 50th year of publishing. The Just Published resource is a regularly-updated list of recent books, reports, and CD-ROMs dealing with subjects from biodiversity to fiction to international women's issues. The works are listed and annotated in English, French and Spanish with prices and an on-line ordering service. The catalogue contains over 1,000 searchable titles in English, French, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, and Arabic. [DF]
[Back to Contents]International Congress of Mathematicians Berlin 1998--August 18-27, 1998
The first announcement for the International Congress of Mathematicians is provided at this site, along with General Information, the Scientific Program, and links to the mathematical institutions organizing and supporting the conference. [KH]
[Back to Contents]What's Happening in the Labor Market for Recent Science and Engineering Ph.D. Recipients?--NSF
Mark Regets of the National Science Foundation has prepared this issue brief which summarizes recent trends in Ph.D. employment patterns. Based on a biennial survey of doctoral recipients from U.S. Institutions, this concise on-line publication contains numerous tables and explanatory text. Examples of the data include: information on the percentage of doctoral recipients working in their field or in tenure track positions at different times since graduation; comparisons between the academic market in the early and mid-1990s; and mean salary levels for various science and engineering specialties. Life, physical and social sciences are included. [DF]
[Back to Contents]1998 International High-Level Radioactive Waste Management Conference: Call for Papers
The purpose of the conference is to provide for a "discussion of scientific, technical, and societal information on issues related to transporting, receiving, storing, or disposing of radioactive wastes." The subject categories for conference papers are Natural Systems, Engineered Systems, Integrated (performance-assessment) Issues, and Institutional (societal and public-policy) Issues. A list of subject-specific topics is available at the site. Papers should be postmarked no later than November 14, 1997. The conference will be held May 11-14, 1998 in Las Vegas, Nevada. [KH]
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Neodat II, An inter-institutional Database of Fish Biodiversity in the Neotropics
Conceived by a team of scientists from the University of Michigan, University of Kansas, and the American Museum of Natural History, the goal of the original Neodat Project was to provide a catalogue of neotropical ichthyology (the science of fish). To date, the project has combined information from 29 institutions in North and South America and Europe. Neodat II represents a continuation and expansion of this effort with additional links to specimen descriptions and online access to rare literature. The heart of this site is the easy-to-use searchable database containing over 300,000 records, including both common and scientific names of fish. Links to additional sites include: museum database software, geographic information system (GIS) resources and tools for developing distributed Internet applications. [DF]
[Back to Contents]Carbon Dioxide, Hydrographic, and Chemical Data Obtained During the R/V Akademik Ioffe Cruise in the South Pacific Ocean
This site was prepared by the Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center at the Oak Ridge National Labratory and makes available carbon dioxide, hydrographic, and chemical data obtained during the R/V Akademik Ioffe cruise in the South Pacific Ocean in 1992. An overview of the data provides background information, description of the variables and methods, and references. A description of the expedition to obtain the data is also provided. [KH]
[Back to Contents]Global Hydrology Resource Center
The Global Hydrology Resource Center (GHRC) of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration provides data ingest, archive, and distribution services for the Global Hydrology and Climate Center (GHCC). Eight categories of online data are available to download using FTP. These include MSFC SSM/I Brightness Temperature, MSFC SSM/I Daily Gridded Products, and MSU Daily/Monthly Anomalies/Annual Cycle Temperatures-Limb90. The entire database can be viewed through HyDRO, the Hydrologic Data search, Retrieval, and Order system. Note that some data is restricted to Earth Observing System (EOS) affiliated investigators. [KH]
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The 1997 El Nino/Southern Oscillation
About El Nino
El Nino Theme Page
El Nino Scenario
El Nino Resources
El Nino and the Midwest
The 1997 El Nino/Southern Oscillation (ENSO 97-98)
Environmental News Network El Nino Special Report
According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminstration (NOAA), El Nino is "a disruption of the ocean-atmosphere system in the tropical Pacific having important consequences for weather around the globe." It is caused by a change in trade wind patterns in the central and western Pacific ocean, and causes a large volume of ocean to be warmed (typically about 20 degrees of latitude by 90 degrees of longitude). It happens at irregular intervals and has global climatic consequences (regional flooding and droughts, in particular).About El Nino is a collection of journal articles and books that have been written about El Nino/Southern Oscillation and compiled by the Bureau of Meteorology, Australia. The El Nino Theme Page is a comprehensive site from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) covering the basics of El Nino, current updates, and related data. A link to Spanish language sites is also provided. El Nino Scenario is an explanation of El Nino in layman's terms provided by the Earth Space Research Group at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Follow the mechanisms link in the first paragraph to read the explanation. El Nino Resources, a product of the Coaps Library at Florida State University, provides a comprehensive list of resources on eight different topics dealing with El Nino, such as bibliographies, web pages, online articles, movies, and dissertations. ENSO PAGE, provided by the National Weather Service in the San Francisco Bay Area, is a collection of links dealing with a variety of ENSO related topics such as impacts, sea surface temperature charts, indices and analyses, and background information. Learn about the impacts that ENSO has on the Midwest at El Nino and the Midwest, provided by the Midwestern Climate Center at the University of Illinois. This site presents temperature and precipitation data for years in which an ENSO event occurred. Read current reports on events associated with ENSO 1997 at The 1997 El Nino/Southern Oscillation (ENSO 97-98), provided by the Interdisciplinary Minor in Global Sustainability program at the University of California, Irvine. Reports are contributed by readers, and concentrate on El Nino's effects on seabirds and marine ecosystems, but other topics are welcomed and included. The Environmental News Network El Nino Special Report provides background information on El Nino, how to measure an El Nino, El Nino impacts, and the current forecast for El Nino 1997. [KH]
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Brought to You by the Internet Scout Project
The Scout Report for Science & Engineering is published every other Wednesday by the Internet Scout Project, located in the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Department of Computer Sciences.
Susan Calcari
Jack Solock David Flaspohler Kathryn Harris Jeannine Ramsey |
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Managing Editor Editor Assistant Editor Assistant Editor Production Editor |
Copyright Susan Calcari and the University of Wisconsin Board of Regents, 1994-1998. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of the Scout Report for Science & Engineering provided the copyright notice and this paragraph is preserved on all copies. The Internet Scout Project provides information about the Internet to the US research and education community under a grant from the National Science Foundation, number NCR-9712163. The Government has certain rights in this material.
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