After open a page in the Pages plugin, editing it, and saving it, what we are landing on is an error screen (paths edited to protect the guilty):
Uncaught Exception
Message: Unknown condition type: --
Location: /interface/default/objects/PrivilegeEditingUI.php[465]
#0 /interface/default/objects/PrivilegeEditingUI.php(208): PrivilegeEditingUI->ExtractPrivilegeSetFromFormData(Array)
#1 /plugins/Pages/pages/EditPage.php(279): PrivilegeEditingUI->GetPrivilegeSetsFromForm()
#2 /lib/ScoutLib/ApplicationFramework.php(540): include('/htdocs...')
#3 /index.php(148): ApplicationFramework->LoadPage('P_Pages_EditPag...')
#4 {main}
Going through the trace, not finding much helpful. Other than if i log $FormData from PrivilegeEditingUI.php there are indeed a lot of double dashes in it.
function ExtractPrivilegeSetFromFormData(array &$FormData)
error_log(print_r($FormData, true));
[0] => --
[1] => --
[2] => --
[3] =>
[4] => --
[5] => --
[6] => --
[7] =>
[8] => --
[9] => --
[10] => --
[11] =>
[12] => --
[13] => --
[14] => --
[15] =>
[16] => --
[17] => --
[18] => --
[19] =>
[20] => --
[21] => --
[22] => --
[23] =>
[24] => --
[25] => --
[26] => --
[27] =>
What could be happening here?
Is there any chance you've disabled javascript in your browser for P_Pages_EditPage? The PrivilegeEditingUI is using client-side JS to construct the priv editor and present only operators and values that make sense for the selected fields in each row. The HTML provides a template row that the JS uses... but it looks like your form values are just the unmodified template row.
It was apparently a JavaScript error, thank you. We were getting 403s for minified files. We turned off minification and now the page operates properly.