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Archaeology of the Great War
Social studies |
Archaeology of the Great War is a project that brilliantly combines valuable primary documents (including archival letters and photographs and archaeological finds) with exceptional design. Every aspect of this website, from the musical selection to the three dimensional images to the animation, is expertly crafted with a great deal of sensitivity and skill. The result is a multimedia resource that allows modern day visitors to learn about a pivotal (and profoundly violent) chapter of history and the importance of archeological research.
Archaeology of the Great War is a poignant, highly interactive website exhibiting recent archeological discoveries from the Argonne region in eastern France, where French and German troops engaged in trench warfare during World War I. The French Ministry of Culture and Communication, in conjunction with French archeologists, archivists, and university faculty, created this website to commemorate the hundredth anniversary of the war. During the 1990s, a team of archeologists excavated the former battlefield, unearthing new clues about daily life and death during World War I. Visitors can view these archeological finds alongside archival photographs from the War. This material is helpfully organized into five chapters, which include thoughtful annotations about the significance of these new discoveries. Archeology of the Great War is a powerful resource about the experiences of WWI soldiers, and also demonstrates the role of archeology in recovering new insights about the past. Note: while the text of this site is available in French, English, and German, a few embedded videos are only in French.
Busy Beaver Button Museum
Arts |
Some of the most fascinating archival collections focus on a single kind of ephemera. These topical collections are entertaining to browse while also offering unexpected insights into the past. Chicago's Busy Beaver Button Museum is one of the finest (and, at times, funniest) collections of ephemera published in The Scout Report this year. This collection of hundreds of pinback buttons spans over a century and includes at once, poignant buttons, political buttons, irreverent buttons, and a few truly dated buttons. The highlight of this digitized collection just might be the Beaver page, which features solely buttons related to beavers.
Ever since pinback buttons were patented in 1896, buttons have been produced and worn for a plethora of reasons, from supporting a politician (e.g. the iconic I LIKE IKE buttons), to commemorating an event, to just showing off the pinner's sense of humor. The Busy Beaver Button Museum exists to document this unique item of cultural expression. Readers may visit the museum in person, in Chicago, or browse the comprehensive online collection here. Categories include Ask Me, which includes the classic "Ask me about..." buttons, Self Referential, which includes buttons that reference the fact that they're buttons, and Sports, Advertising, Political, Innovative, and other descriptive options. There is also a Fan Museum, which allows users to submit their own buttons, as well as browse the buttons of other fans. The News section features blog posts on the history of buttons, such as a great post on the history behind the right to vote, as depicted through buttons. Finally, readers will also find a wonderful book, A Very Brief History of Buttons, which can be viewed for free as a PDF.
Ice and Sky
Science |
Designed for classroom use, Ice and Sky offers a number of appealing features for K-12 science teachers. However, this exceptionally well-designed multimedia website has a much broader appeal. The website incorporates documentary film, animation, audio, and engaging narrative in a way that makes browsing feel more like watching a movie. In addition to its striking visual appeal, Ice and Sky also contains a wealth of information about scientific research in Antarctica and the importance of this research in understanding our climate.
Ice and Sky is an interactive website about the history of glaciological research in Antarctica. Since the International Geophysical Year (July 1, 1957 to December 31, 1958), scientists have uncovered important details about the Earth's climate by examining the properties of Antarctica's ice. On this website, created by French documentarian Luc Jacquet and the non-profit media organization Wild Touch, visitors can learn about this history through a six-part video. Within each video chapter, educators will also find a number of related resources. These resources include recorded interviews with key scientists, detailed PowerPoint presentations, educational booklets, and short videos. While some of resources are embedded on the site, others can be downloaded through a link on the right side of the browser. Educators may also create their own classroom websites that feature specific resources of their choice. Worth noting: Ice and Sky earned a 2016 Webby nomination as an outstanding educational website.
Immigration Syllabus
Social studies |
Collaborative projects are becoming an increasingly popular way to tap into the diverse perspectives, educational experiences, and understandings of students, scholars, and the general public. The #ImmigrationSyllabus is a website and educational resource that exemplifies the value of such collaborative efforts. We love that this resource is not just helpful for educators; the #ImmigrationSyllabus includes a number of memoirs, films, and online collections that will broadly appeal to anyone interested in the historical roots of this enduring issue.
Nearly two dozen prominent history scholars have collaborated to create the Immigration Syllabus, a rich collection of resources for teaching America's immigration history. Published by the University of Minnesota (home of the Immigration History Research Center) and co-sponsored by the Immigration and Ethnic History Society, the Immigration Syllabus is a carefully curated collection of primary and secondary sources. Collectively, these resources illuminate the voluntary and forced migrations of people to the United States from the colonial era through the present day. This online syllabus is chronologically arranged into fifteen weeks, each centering on a key theme or question. Weekly themes include Why Study Immigration?; Mass Migration and the Rise of Federal Immigration Law; and Family, Gender, and Sexuality. Within each weekly section visitors will find hyperlinks to suggested readings and resources, many of which are digitized and freely available online. This collaborative project may be of special interest to history researchers and instructors working in higher education or advanced high school settings.
Science |
Undark impressed us as an exemplar of scientific journalism. The magazine's content critically engages scientific topics in an accessible and easy-to-digest way. Undark has grown substantially since it was featured in The Scout Report last July and now offers a fantastic variety of long form narratives, video documentaries, editorials, photo-essays, and more. We also commend Undark for its use and integration of various media forms to provide readers with fantastic multimedia content.
"Undark" is what the U.S. Radium Corporation named the glow-in-the-dark - and radioactive - paint it produced for use on watches between 1917 and 1938. Hailed as a great innovation at the time, the paint tragically led to the premature deaths of many young, female factory workers, known today as the "radium girls." Undark, an online publication launched by the Knight Science Journalism Program at MIT this past spring, is dedicated to producing investigative journalism related to science. The editors write, "We appropriate the name ["undark"] as a signal to readers that our magazine will explore science not just as a 'gee-whiz' phenomenon, but as a frequently wondrous, sometimes contentious, and occasionally troubling byproduct of human culture." Edited and published by a team of prominent science writers, including Deborah Blum and Tom Zeller, Undark includes long-form investigative journalism, shorter articles, op-eds, documentaries, and news round-ups. The site has also produces a podcast, Colloquia, which accompanies longer investigative pieces. This online magazine is an especially useful source for those looking to better understand ethical debates in the scientific community.