Scout Report: Week ending April 29, 1994

April 29, 1994


Z39.50 Information Page:
An up-to-date resource about the development, implementation activities, and other activities directly concerned with Z39.50.
Provides both an interactive medium for general hunger education and a platform for detailed hunger information useful for researchers and other interested parties alike.
University of Toronto Instructional and Research Computing Group (UTIRC):
Description UTIRC services; examples of the use of WWW for instructional purposes; pointers to documents on how to write html documents, write server-side scripts, etc.
University of Florida American Universities page:
Home pages for 145 American universities.


Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Gopher
NIST News announcements:
News releases, announcements, and newsletters from the National Institute of Standards and Technology, such as the biweekly NIST UPDATE and "Tech Beat", a tip sheet for science journalists.
[Note: Originally reviewed as a gopher site; gopher site has been replaced by web site.]
Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library

National Information Infrastructure (NII):

NTIA Silicon Valley Hearing:
Deputy Secretary of Commerce David Barram will lead the U.S. government delegation in a public hearing on "Innovation and the Public Interest: Open Access to the Information Society" Friday, May 13th, 1994 in Sunnyvale, California.
Access to the NII. Meeting of the Advisory Council on the NII on Monday, May 11: issues concerning access and universal service in light of the convergence of voice, video and computer technologies. Public access through teleconferencing at the Department of Commerce, Washington, D.C. Further info: 202- 482-1835;
The MFJ Task Force Legislation directory:
Most recent versions of H.R.3636 and H.R.3626 (as marked up by the House Energy and Commerce Committee); testimony by George Lucas and Reed Hundt.
GOALS 2000:
Educate America Act: signed into law on March 31, is now available in the Education Department online library. Full text, related fact sheets, additional information.

Weekend Scouting

RG (Rare Grooves):
A tipsheet (ala Billboard) for techno, house, and hip-hop music. View charts, regional information, playlists, and most importantly, hear bits of songs (~10 seconds).
NFL Draft:
National Football League draft results listed by team and by rankings. (Go Packers!) Other sports information also available.

News from the InterNIC:

Information Services
The InfoGuide, a new comprehensive online source of Internet information was made available, and replaces the InfoSource. An online, WWW version of the NSF Network News was released, as was the first Scout Report. (InfoGuide access information listed below.)
Directory and Database Services
A summary of all additions to the Directory of Directories which were made during the month of April was released to the community. Last month, 46 additions were made to the directory.