July 1, 1994
World Wide Web:
- The American South Internet Resource Center: a comprehensive listing of information servers for Southern universities, with information for over 80 schools included.
- The paintings in Ancestry: Religion, Death and Culture document the native culture of Central Appalachia. The work portrays a sense of place and character, as well as spiritual conviction, all reinforced by a repetition of visual imagery.
- The Athens High Performance Computing Laboratory: a not-for-profit organization formed by the University of Athens, the National Technical University of Athens, and the Computer Technology Institute of the University of Patras.
- Britannica Online: the Encyclopaedia Britannica is now available as a fee-based subscription service to anyone on the Internet.
- The Bioinformatics group at the Jackson Laboratory is pleased to announce the first release of the Mouse Genome Database (MGD), a comprehensive database of information on the experimental genetics of the laboratory mouse.
- California State University - San Marcos, Windows Software Archive: Incorporates the filenames and descriptions on the hypertext page.
- Canadiana, the Canadian Resources Page (aussi disponsible en franais) features references to Canadian news and information resources.
- The Chinese classic, Sun Tzu Art of War, on an experiment Chinese WEB at the University of Singapore. Also available: the home page for Chinese WWW.
- Commercial Internet eXchange (CIX): a non-profit trade association of Public Data Internetwork service providers.
- Crisis in Rwanda: submissions for inclusion welcome, especially non-copyrighted images, chronologies, and opinions.
- The Civil Rights Code of the United States at the Cornell Law School: HTML version of the Civil Rights Code of the United States. (42 U.S.C. 1981 et seq.)
[Note: Site title has changed since the original Scout Report review. Site formerly referred to in the Scout Report as "Legal Information Institute: Cornell Law School."] - Department of Energy, Office of Fusion Energy: general information on the nation's fusion energy research program and research on providing an alternative power source for the future.
- The Foundation for Enterprise Development: a comprehensive resource on equity compensation, employee involvement and other leading business strategies. Descriptions of equity compensation methods, the latest research and statistics, and case studies of successful employee owned firms such as Polaroid and Avis.
- Information and Computation: international journal of theoretical Computer Science: hypertext bibliography of all papers published since 1978; hypertext list of editors, more.
- InterNIC Directory and Database Services: Additions to the InterNIC Directory of Directories for the month of June.
- InterNIC Information Services: complete net-happenings postings are now WAIS-indexed daily.
- Knot at the Cable: ties together non-governmental organizations, public libraries and the Internet. Located in a public library (branch of Helsinki City Library) at the Cable Factory cultural centre in Helsinki, it offers access to WorldWideWeb and telnet access for library visitors and acts as a WWW publishing outlet.
- The Legal Domain Network: an attempt to consolidate and coordinate all substantive legal information and discussions on the Internet.
- Maui High Performance Computing Center.
- Maxwell Laboratories and Caltrans announce the availibility of real- time traffic information for San Diego, California, USA freeways via the World Wide Web. Current freeway speeds and flow rates, along with daily construction closures and updated freeway incident reports are available in both graphical and text formats. The information is normally updated about once a minute.
- Mississippi School for Math and Science, K12 school for gifted children.
- NASA Ames Research Center, Numerical Aerodynamic Simulation Systems Division, Applied Research Branch: 100+ technical reports on scientific visualization, virtual reality, and parallel computing; list of high performance computing sites; computational fluid dynamics data sets; annotated scientific visualization weblet bibliography; the latest NAS Parallel Benchmarks.
- National Institutes of Health molecular modeling oriented information including: Molecules R US - an interactive interface to facilitate browsing, searching and viewing of the molecular structure data contained within the Brookhaven Protein Data Bank (PDB); a hypertext catalogue of the PDB and Structures can be displayed via the "Molecules R US" interface, the NIH Guide to Molecular Modeling - an illustrated hypertext-based primer on molecular modeling methods, software, and applications in the biological sciences.
- NYSERNet's Breast Cancer Information Clearinghouse: an Internet accessible resource for breast cancer patients and their families. Current partners represent government health agencies, hospitals, libraries, hospice and non-profit agencies.
- The On-line Books Page now lists over 300 books from various repositories: browse or search by author or by title.
- The Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory: the Fusion Laboratories facilities and mission, including the recent tokamak experiments which resulted in the production of more than 9 million watts of thermonuclear energy.
- RailServer, a mail server which contains all German railway stations and timetables as well as about 4,000 other European cities and their rail connections to Germany. Also contains information about German Rail fares and price reductions
- Recently announced college and university World WideWeb servers:
- California Institute of Technology, Experimental High Energy Physics Group
- Ege University Computer Center, All About Turkey, Turkey in Pictures
- Goteborg University: Swedish Social Science Data Service
- The Graduate School and University Center of The City University of New York
- Pennsylvania State University, College of Earth & Mineral Sciences
- Rice University, Department of Space Physics and Astronomy
- University of California, Davis, Information Center for the Environment (ICE): a cooperative effort of a team of environmental scientists at UC Davis and collaborators at over thirty private, state, federal, and international environmental organizations.
- University of Manchester, School of Biological Sciences: BRASS - Bioinformatics Resource for Algorithms, Software and Services, which was designed as a gateway to different types of bioinformatics tools and databases available on the Internet.
- University of Michigan, College of Engineering: considerable amount of online documentation as well as such network services as the face/finger gateway.
- University of Pittsburgh, Learning Research and Development Center
- University of South Carolina, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- University of Tokyo, RACE (Research into Artifacts, Center for Engineering), opened the Artist in Residence No.1: Ideal Copy
- University of Wales, Institute for Health Informatics
- Williams College, Astronomy Department
- California Public Utilities Commission
- Center for Coastal Studies, (Scripps Inst. of Oceanography, UCSD)
- Congressional Quarterly Gopher
- Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking Technology (DO-IT)
- U.S. Commerce Department, Economics and Statistics Administration
- U.S. Commerce Department, Economic Conversion Information Exchange
- U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Information Center
- Yale University, Peabody Museum of Natural History
- (from E-D-U-P-A-G-E, published by EDUCOM)
- Two House bills (one from the Energy & Commerce Committee & one from the Judiciary Committee) would in effect rewrite the 1934 Communications Act and the 1982 consent decree that broke up the Bell System. If the bills become legislation, the Bell Operating companies would be allowed to manufacture telecom equipment and to offer cable TV services, in-state long-distance service, and out-of- state long-distance service under certain conditions; the long distance carriers would be allowed to compete with the regionals in the local market and to reduce the local access fees they pay the Bells; and the cable companies would be allowed to compete in the local phone business. The legislation will face problems in the Senate, where a bill sponsored by Senator Hollings would make it more difficult for the regional Bells to enter the long-distance market. (Wall Street Journal 6/29/94 A2)
Weekend Scouting:
- Wrecked Humor Collection; including Canonical Lists, various one-liners, more.
[Note: Site title has changed since the original Scout Report review. Site formerly referred to in the Scout Report as "Collection of humor posted on the USENET newsgroup rec.humor."] - CYBERKIND, a new WorldWideWeb magazine of 'Net-related fiction, nonfiction, poetry and art, featuring prose and art submitted by the Internet population. All genres and subjects are included, as long as there is some connection to the Internet, cyberspace, computers or the networked world in general. This first issue's features range from an article on writers and the Internet to a computer-related mystery to a hyperlinked poem.
- Finally, here it is: the definitive pub review for Dublin's city center. Each entry comes with a short review, the address and a personal rating.
- The Running Page: races, marathons, training tips, running magazines, running clubs, and information about all aspects of running.
- Textiles.org: includes knitting, cross stitch, and links to FAQ's.
[Note: Site title has changed since the original Scout Report review. Site formerly referred to in the Scout Report as "Textiles Server."] - VeloNews Tour de France service