July 8, 1994
NOTES: Due to real-world travel by the Info Scout last week, the release of the Scout Report was delayed. Coming attractions: commercial Net resources section. Remember, your preferences on the length and content of the Report are welcome. Mail to scout@cs.wisc.edu. This is the 11th issue of the Scout Report.
World Wide Web:
- Academe This Week, The Chronicle of Higher Education's complimentary information service on the Internet. Gopher version also still available.
- The Ada Project (TAP), a WorldWideWeb (WWW) site designed to serve as a clearinghouse for information and resources relating to women in computing. Information includes conferences, projects, discussion groups and organizations, fellowships and grants, more.
- Commonwealth of Learning, (COL) an organization interested in widening the access to learning in the 51 member countries through the use of distance learning and communications technologies. Includes documents, news releases, updates, more.
- _Computer-Mediated Communication Magazine_ , July issue, now available on the Web. Back issues ( May and June) also available.
- The Imaging and Distributed Computing Group of Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory announces its interactive forms-based frog dissection kit. Images of the frog from various views, and in various stages of dissection, are generated on-the-fly based on parameters set by the user.
- The Jerusalem Mosaic. Contains information, exhibits and images about Jerusalem.
- List of mailing lists and Usenet News groups related to WWW.
- One Book List. From the announcement by Paul Phillips, InterNIC Information Services: "My proposal is this: one book. I would like for each of you to decide on a single book that you would most like for the world to read, and mail me the author and title. The book that, for you, was the most influential, or thought-provoking, or enjoyable, or moving, or philosophically powerful, or deep in some sense you cannot properly define, or any other criteria you wish to set."
- Socioeconomic and environmental data collection at the World Bank.
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, including data from the National Institutes of Health, Food and Drug Administration, and Social Security Administration.
- University of Manitoba, including Canadian Geographical WWW Index.
- World Wide Web and Mosaic: User's Guide, made available by National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
- African National Congress information online. Directories include: graphics, history, misc, policy docs, press statements.
- British Columbia Institute of Technology, including Applied Research in Computer Systems (ARCS Lab), Health Applied Research & Development (H.A.R.D.) program, and Entrepreneurial Centre & Venture Program.
- Dr. E's Eclectic Compendium of Electronic Resources for Adult/Distance Education, updated version.
- The FinanceNet Core Team at the Vice President's National Performance Review in Washington, DC., in association with the National Science Foundation, announced availability of a new Gopher server. Also announced: a series of 20 or more topical moderated mailing lists relating to Federal, state and local financial management practices and policies. gopher: gopher.financenet.gov 72
- Summary of mail server commands for five widely used mail server programs, including REVISED LISTSERV (also called BITNET LISTSERV), Unix ListProcessor (or Listproc), Majordomo, Mailserv, and Mailbase.
- GlasNews, published quarterly by the Communications Exchange Program, is aimed at East-West communicators in such fields as journalism, advertising, public relations and telecommunications.
- University of Wisconsin, Trace Center: Disability and Computer Access Information. A Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center on Adapted Computers and Information Systems, through the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research, US. Department of Education. Communication by the non-speaking and physically disabled; the control mechanisms used to operate computers, communication aids, and home environmental controls; computer access -- ways to make computers, electronic equipment and information systems more accessible to people with disabilities.
- The US. Consumer Product Safety Commission includes all Press Releases from 1991 to the present and the agency's Public Calendar. Future plans: the Commission's Annual Report and executive summaries of briefing packages submitted to the Commission.
National Information Infrastructure:
The Information Infrastructure Task Force (IITF) and the Council on Competitiveness (nonprofit organization) announced joint sponsorship of an NII conference: Breaking the Barriers to the National Information Infrastructure. The conference will focus on the applications being developed to run on the NII, and to explore the implementation hurdles that users and application developers are experiencing as they create and deploy new applications in health care, education, manufacturing, electronic informationmanagement and commerce as well as entertainment/home services. September 7-8, 1994, in Washington DC. $295/$395. See posting for registration information.
- From _The Internet Letter_: "Ruling on Internet Trademark Sought, Patent Office Suspends Applications Process. The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (PTO) has suspended action on approving all applications for trademarks using the word Internet. With some potentially significant financial interests involved, the patent office is trying to decide if anybody has exclusive rights to the name Internet."
(Jayne Levin, Editor netweek@access.digex.net) - From the highlights of _Interactive Publishing Alert_: "In the Spotlight: Knight-Ridder Pulls Dave Barry Off the Internet -- Knight-Ridder has pulled Dave Barry off the Internet -- and it's no laughing matter. On June 23, Knight-Ridder/Tribune Information Services terminated its contract with ClariNet Communications Corp., an electronic newspaper based in San Jose, Calif., to distribute humorist Dave Barry's columns on the Internet global communications network. The reason: Electronic piracy that the media giant and its Internet distributor were powerless to stop.
(Rosalind Resnick, Editor and Publisher gopher: enews.com) - "Good Morning America Sunday" on July 10, 1994, included a segment on how the OJ Simpson case is being discussed in electronic forums, including USENET Newsgroups and Internet mailing lists.
(Note from He Who Converts ASCII Scout Reports Into HTML For Your Web Pleasure: the overly modest InfoScout did not mention that she was featured on Good Morning America -- check it out if you can.)