August 18, 1995
A Service to the Internet Community
Provided by the Info Scout and the InterNIC
The Scout Report is a weekly publication offering a selection of new and newly discovered Internet resources of interest to researchers and educators, the InterNIC's primary audience. However everyone is welcome to subscribe to one of the mailing lists (plain text or HTML) or visit the Web version of the Scout Report on the InterNIC server:
Additional information and detailed access and subscription instructions are included at the end of each Scout Report.
Highlights In This Week's Report:
- Arctic Circle Web
- Progressive Farmer magazine
- The Monitor and the Prism offer information on the 15 post-Soviet states via gopher
- Maybe Microsoft Network won't take over the world -- in NetBytes
- Internet connectivity providers outside North America
- A J.R.R Tolkien MUD
World Wide Web
- The Air Transport Association (ATA) Web site offers airline and aviation related information to internet users, including the ATA Publications Catalog, current press releases, industry data & statistics, the ATA Airline Handbook, information on the ATA member carriers and links to their sites when applicable, and SPEC 2000 information. In the future ATA plans to offer internet users the ability to purchase publications and register for industry forums on-line. - The Arctic Circle Web site at the University of Connecticut aims to stimulate among viewers a greater interest in the peoples and environment of the Arctic and Sub Arctic region. As stated on the Welcome page, this 'electronic circle' has three interrelated themes: natural resources; history and culture; social equity and environmental justice. In addressing these issues, the presentations utilize a range of textual and photographic materials, and in the near future, sound and short video recordings. Specific topics include discussions of Sustainability, Equity, and Environmental Protection; Northern Development and the Global Economy; Ethnographic Portraits of indigenous peoples in Alaska, Canada, Northwest Siberia, etc.; and specific studies dealing with the impact of petroleum, gas, hydroelectric, and other forms of large scale natural resource development in selected regions of the Circumpolar North. New material is being added on a regular basis. - Cuba Web page: an unofficial and interesting collection of all things Cuban on the 'Net. Assembled by an Italian student in Parma. - The Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Education Office provides resources for science, mathematics, engineering and technology education (K-12 through post- graduate) with emphasis on physics and prairie ecology. The Web server has program information, classroom units, bibliographies, information about public tours and lectures, classes for kids and families, links to other particle physics resources, and an electronic tour of the Lederman Science Center. Fermilab is operated by the University Research Association, Inc. under contract with the U.S. Department of Energy. - The McNair Scholars Program at San Diego State University, subtitled "Future Professors of Math, Science, and Math/Science Education" is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education and aims to prepare low-income, first generation college students for entrance into doctoral programs in math, science, and math/science education. The McNair program is built on the assumption that many exceptional individuals from low-income backgrounds, who would make excellent university professors, may not be easily identified. The SDSU program identifies potential students, provides mentors in their chosen discipline, supplies small stipends for summer research programs, and provides outlets for the publication and presentation of their findings. The program is named for the Challenger Astronaut, Dr. Ronald E. McNair. - The National Organization of Women (NOW) Web page offers extensive information about issues NOW is involved in, such as economic equity, electoral politics, global feminism, racial and ethnic diversity, and violence against women. Also available is contact information for chapter and state organizations and the NOW Action Center. Links to other feminist resources on the Internet include the University of Maryland's Women's Studies Database and feminist activists resources on the Net. - The National Office for Research Documentation, Academic and Professional Libraries, Norway has made available on the Web a directory of databases in the Nordic Countries, called NORDGUIDE. Its goal is to assist information users in identifying useful databases in the Nordic countries. You can search NORDGUIDE using HTML forms or line-oriented boolean searches, or you can browse the guide by subject, type, or country. All included databases have been produced in a Nordic country or is available through a Nordic online service and are publicly available through telecommunications networks or direct dialing. The subject terms and the database descriptions are in English, the keywords both in English and a Nordic language. - Progressive Farmer magazine, established in 1886, now has a presence on the Web. Their stories cover all the major crops and livestock, but also include information about other topics important to rural readers such as the environment, rural health care, and farm safety. Many stories "celebrate rural living and the outdoors. Progressive Farmer says its goal is to help readers make money, save money, and enjoy their rural lifestyle. Columns include News, Markets, Weather, Over the Fence, Countryplace, and Rural Sportsman.
- The Jamestown Foundation, established in 1983, is a nonprofit educational institution devoted to the study of the former Soviet bloc countries and to dissemination of information about them. In May the Foundation launched two new publications on developments in the 15 post-Soviet states: the Monitor, a four-page daily chronicle of events in the region; and Prism, a twelve-page weekly review featuring interviews and analysis. These publications represent a major departure from other sources of news and analysis on the region of the former Soviet Union. They are produced by a team of veteran analysts with capabilities in 17 languages. They draw upon an extensive network of correspondents and high-level contacts throughout the FSU. They take full advantage of the newest communications technologies. In addition to reporting developments in Moscow, they provide thorough coverage of significant events elsewhere in the Russian Federation and in the 14 non-Russian countries which emerged following the collapse of the USSR, areas which currently receive little attention in most Western media. And they report on developments as quickly as the information becomes available. The Editor-In-Chief of the Monitor and Prism is Paul Goble who for many years has specialized in the study of this region, and has served with the U.S. Department of State, Radio Liberty, and the Carnegie Endowment. The Monitor and Prism are distributed to subscribers worldwide via e-mail, fax, and postal mail, and the Internet.
gopher to: select: /archives/polish/publications/monitor/ - ZAMNET, the Zambian National Gopher, provides links to the Africa Information Afrique News Archive and South African Weekly Mail & Guardian News Archive. The Afrique News archive contains articles from 12 African countries published over the last 3 years. The Weekly Mail & Guardian archive goes back to July of 1994 and is searchable.
gopher to: select: News and Current Affairs
Electronic Mailing Lists
- BEE-net is a discussion list for Beginning English Educators in which the newest members of the elementary, middle school, and secondary English teaching profession initiate conversations with peers across the country and participate in the kinds of interactive, reflective discussions that contribute to professional development. BEE-net values social interaction as a way to enable learning, encouraging beginning educators to help establish and to participate in an active community of learners. BEE-net welcomes all subscribers. However, the primary constituencies for BEE-net are prospective and beginning English teachers. Students can participate in the ongoing conversations while they complete their English teacher education course work and training; beginning English teachers can continue to participate during their first years of teaching.
- send email to:
- in the body of the message type:
- SUBSCRIBE BEE-net yourfirstname yourlastname
- ROOTS-L is a mailing list for genealogical researchers. Topics include surname queries, discussions of methodology and interesting genealogical web sites, etc.
- in the body of the message type:
- SUBSCRIBE ROOTS-L yourfirstname yourlastname
- SOCRATES is an international computer network for persons interested in the theoretical and philosophical foundations of psychology. SOCRATES deals with such topics as categorization, consciousness, evolution, hermeneutics, language, mental representation, metapsychology, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of science. Because SOCRATES is a new network, this is your chance to make an impact and to get your voice heard.
- in the body of the message type:
- SUBSCRIBE SOCRATES YourFirstName YourLastName
- Looking for a change? You may want to read some of the reasons why the Microsoft Network may *not* bulldoze the online world the way many people, including the Justice Department, think it will. In the most recent issue of Rosalind Resnick's Cyberbiz column she offers some reasons why Bill and Co. won't necessarily take the online world by storm even though one-button access to the Microsoft Network is bundled with Windows '95, to be released next week. - If you're looking for Internet connectivity outside of North America, a good place to start is NetAccess Worldwide, a web page built and maintained by Benoit Lips and his colleagues. Two years ago, frustrated at the lack of information about Internet providers outside North America, Benoit started collecting information about providers in countries around the world. The collection is now available on the Web and appears to be well-maintained. Listings include email, telephone, fax, and postal addresses for each provide plus detailed information about services offered when available. A section on related lists includes those several available for North American providers. send email to
- in the subject line type: info
Weekend Scouting
- The Two Towers is the only full featured LP Mud based upon the works of J.R.R Tolkien. It is dedicated to a exciting and challenging role-playing experience for the discriminating mudder and Tolkien aficionado. See the snazzy intro to the Web page and a full-screen map of Middle Earth. Connections to Tolkien information pages are also provided. - Ticketmaster Online offers a browsable index of all events on sale throughout the U.S. including concerts, sports, arts, and family-oriented entertainment. Browse the entire alphabetical index or individual state, venue, or event indexes. Venue information includes phone numbers, directions, and parking. Backstage and Spotlight columns offer information about artists and events.
About the Scout Report
The Scout Report is a weekly publication offered by the InterNIC to the Internet community as a fast, convenient way to stay informed about network activities. Its purpose is to combine in one place selected new (and newly-discovered) Internet resources.A wide range of topics are included in the Report with an emphasis on resources thought to be of interest to the InterNIC's primary audience, the research and education community. Each resource has been verified for substantial content and accessibility within a day of the release of the Report.
The Scout Report is provided in multiple formats -- mailing lists for both a plain text and HTML version, and World Wide Web. The World Wide Web version of the Report includes links to all listed resources. The report is released every weekend.
In addition to the plain text version, the Scout Report is distributed in HTML format allowing sites to post the Scout Report on local WorldWideWeb servers each week. The result is faster access for local users. You are welcome and encouraged to re-post and re-distribute the report. Note that copyright statements appear on all versions of the Scout Report, and we ask that these be included when re-posting or re-distributing.
If you haven't yet subscribed or told your friends and colleagues, now is the time. Spread the news by word-of-net. Join 20,000 of your colleagues already using the Scout Report as a painless tool for tracking what's new on the 'Net!
Comments and contributions to the Scout Report are encouraged and can be sent to
-- Susan Calcari
InterNIC Info ScoutScout Report Access Methods
- To receive the electronic mail version of the Scout Report each Friday, join the scout-report mailing list. You will receive one message a week -- the Scout Report every weekend.
send email to: in the body of the message, type:
- subscribe scout-report
to unsubscribe to the list, repeat this procedure substituting the word "unsubscribe" for subscribe.- To receive the Scout Report in HTML format for local posting, subscribe to the scout-report-html mailing list, used exclusively to distribute the Scout Report in HTML format once a week. send mail to: in the body of the message, type:
- subscribe scout-report-html
- To access the hypertext version of the Report, point your WWW client to:
Resource Addressing Conventions
After each resource in the Scout Report one or more network addresses are listed. Every attempt is made to use the same convention in each listing for the network address of each resource. It is assumed that users recognize the type of address and know how to use it. However, for those users unfamiliar with the Internet we provide here the order in which addresses are listed (by network tool.) A brief explanation of one tool, WWW is included below.The four network tools referenced most often in the Scout Report are World Wide Web, gopher, email, and FTP. Occasionally WAIS and Telnet addresses are also listed.
After each resource at least one address is listed, and sometimes more. This is because some resources are available using multiple network tools. The network tool addresses are always listed in the same order after each resource:
- World Wide Web (WWW)
- Gopher
- Telnet
gopher:// access the resource through the WWW you can use a WWW browser installed on your desktop computer, or a "command-line" WWW client on your local Internet host computer. Web browsers are available for all major computer platforms, including Macintosh, PC, and UNIX. Check with your local support center or your Internet Service Provider for more information about Web browsers installed on the Internet host computer or for your desktop computer.
Copyright Susan Calcari, 1995.
Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of the Scout Report provided the copyright notice, this permission notice, and the two paragraphs below are preserved on all copies.
The InterNIC provides information about the Internet and the resources on the Internet to the US research and education community under a cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation: NCR-9218742. The Government has certain rights in this material.
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation, AT&T, or Network Solutions, Inc.
- subscribe scout-report-html
- To receive the Scout Report in HTML format for local posting, subscribe to the scout-report-html mailing list, used exclusively to distribute the Scout Report in HTML format once a week. send mail to: in the body of the message, type:
- subscribe scout-report
- ROOTS-L is a mailing list for genealogical researchers. Topics include surname queries, discussions of methodology and interesting genealogical web sites, etc.