June 21, 1996
A Publication of Internet Scout
Computer Science Department, University of Wisconsin
A Project of the InterNIC
The Scout Report is a weekly publication offering a selection of new and newly discovered Internet resources of interest to researchers and educators, the InterNIC's primary audience. However, everyone is welcome to subscribe to one of the mailing lists (plain text or HTML) or visit the Web version of the Scout Report. Subscription instructions are included at the end of each report.

Research and Education
- Y'Know, Issue 2
- ALA "Booklist" and Young Adult Library Services Best Books Lists
- UNICEF The Progress of Nations 1996
- Emma Goldman Papers Project
- Chemical Patents Plus -- from Chemical Abstracts
- Academic Employment Network
- PSY-PHAR Discussion List -- psychotherapy-pharmacotherapy
General Interest
- Washington Post Online
- Money Magazine's Best Places to Live in America
- Inc. Online -- for people starting and running their own companies
- ArtSearch
- Bing Crosby Home Page
- GRATIS! Weekly Newsletter -- free software
Network Tools

Y'Know, Issue 2
The second Issue of Y'Know, the Web report for K-12 students, by K-12 students, is available on the InterNIC Net Scout Services Web site. This issue was produced by students at the New Vista High School of Boulder, Colorado/Boulder Valley School District. It contains annotations of an eclectic group of eleven sites, including a Shakespearean curse generator, the Marx/Engels Archive, the Alternative Higher Education Network, two financial scandals pages, and the National Space Development Agency of Japan, among others. More information on Y'Know can be found on the Y'Know home page. Y'Know will resume publication in the fall, with bi-weekly issues scheduled throughout the 96-97 school year.
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ALA "Booklist" and Young Adult Library Services Best Books Lists
The ALA (American Library Association) has recently added two services to its Web site: "Booklist," and the YALSA (Young Adult Library Services Association) Annual Lists Home Page. "Booklist" is an electronic version of ALA's "Booklist" magazine, which has been published for 90 years. The site contains a selection of books for adults and youth arranged by subject and genre, audio visual media, and reference materials. All selections provide bibliographic information and price, and are thoroughly reviewed. In addition, there are feature articles and "best books" lists, and a cumulative index of "Booklist" articles, as well as subscription information. The YALSA Annual Lists Home Page provides annotated lists of best books, quick picks, and selected books and videos for young adults, as well as top ten picks and a tip sheet on how to encourage teens to read for pleasure.
"Booklist": http://www.ala.org/booklist/
YALSA Annual Lists (for 1996): http://www.ala.org/yalsa/booklists/index.html
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UNICEF The Progress of Nations 1996
UNICEF (United Nations Children's Fund) has recently released The Progress of Nations 1996 on the Internet. Progress of Nations records what is happening to the health, nutrition, and education of children today. It monitors not only specific advances and regression in some of the key areas of human well-being, but also the overall investment that countries are making in their own futures. According to Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali, "Many disturbing issues are dealt with in this 1996 edition, including exceptionally high rates of child malnutrition in some areas, and the dreadful toll taken on women's lives and health in countries that lack emergency care in childbirth. But the facts and figures set out in these pages also tell a story of sustained progress in reducing child illnesses and child deaths, in slowly improving nutritional standards for most countries, and in the steady rise of the percentage of boys and girls who are enrolled in school." The book contains sections on women, nutrition, health, education, children's rights, and statistical indicators. Progress of Nations is available via the Web and gopher. Earlier editions back to 1993 are available via gopher.
Less graphical: http://www.unicef.org/pon96/contents.htm
The Progress of Nations 1993-1996 via gopher:
gopher to: gopher.unicef.org
select: UNICEF Public Information/Publications & Information Items (for the year(s) of your choice)/Progress of Nations
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Emma Goldman Papers Project
The 69-reel microfilm collection Emma Goldman Papers, published by Chadwyck-Healey in 1991, made widely available the writings of and documents about this American anarchist and activist. This web site, based on Emma Goldman: A Guide to Her Life and Documentary Sources (Chadwyck-Healey 1995), provides a comprehensive guide to the microfilm collection (available at several libraries across the United States), as well as excerpts from the text of the book and the traveling exhibition on Goldman. Users can access indices of the contents of the microfilm edition, and may search letters by correspondent, Goldman's writings by genre and date, and government documents by name, title, and subject. In addition, the complete exhibition narrative is provided, along with selected photographs and documents.
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Chemical Patents Plus -- from Chemical Abstracts
Chemical Patents Plus, an information retrieval service provided by Chemical Abstracts, is available via the Web. After registering, interested users can freely search and receive title and abstract information for chemical patents going back to 1971. Other options, such as patent number, front page and all claims, and complete patent, are fee based. The service is available from 6:00 p.m. Sunday through 10:00 p.m. Friday and from 3:00 a.m through 6:00 p.m. Saturday.
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Academic Employment Network
The Academic Employment Network provides educators with an opportunity to browse current educational employment opportunities across the United States. Users select the state they are interested in, and receive a listing of jobs arranged by district or institution and job title. Information on each position is provided, as well as instructions for contacting the employer. Administrators seeking to hire educators may place advertisements (for a fee) by email, telephone, or mail; advertisements run for 30 days. Additional information provided on the site includes certification requirements for most states, as well as links to relocation services such as school district profiles and cost-of-living comparisons.
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PSY-PHAR Discussion List -- psychotherapy-pharmacotherapy
PSY-PHAR is a forum for psychologists, psychiatrists, and other mental health researchers and clinicians to discuss current issues (as well as longstanding ones) in the area of psychotherapy-pharmacotherapy comparative outcome research. Empirical, theoretical, and case-based discussion are welcome; open debate is also welcome.
To subscribe send email to: LISTSERV@MAELSTROM.STJOHNS.EDU
In the body of the message type:
SUBSCRIBE PSY-PHAR yourfirstname yourlastname
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Washington Post Online
The Washington Post has recently opened an online version on the Web. The site includes the full text of the daily edition, plus news from the 50 states, a daily congressional calendar, and over 1000 pages of links to news, reference and Web sites for over 200 countries around the world. Features include movie reviews, book reviews (along with selected first chapters of books), links to over fifteen online comic strips, and sports features. A searchable archive of the previous two weeks papers is available and, in the near future, an archive from 1986 to the present will be available. There are also several chat rooms on various subjects ranging from business to local Washington, DC issues. While the Post is well known for its international and national coverage, the online version is also very strong with respect to local area news. At present, the Post Web site is completely free.
Site index: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/guide/contents.htm
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Money Magazine's Best Places to Live in America
Madison, Wisconsin is this year's Money Magazine choice as best place to live in America. The story of "Why Madison, Wisconsin is the Big Cheese," along with a statistical focus of all 300 of the cities Money surveyed, is available at the Money Best Places to Live in America Web site. Each focus contains a statistical snapshot, the city's rankings compared to the 299 others in seven categories, and other information including a cost of living calculator. The focus sections are available by ranking and alphabetically. The site also includes an interactive search page for users to compare any of up to 63 quality factors and locate their best place to live.
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Inc. Online -- for people starting and running their own companies
"Inc. Online is the full-service electronic consultant to people starting and running their own companies." The highlight of the Inc. Web site is the availability of over 4000 articles from the searchable archives of Inc. Magazine, Inc. Technology, and "The State of Small Business" issues going back to 1988. The archives are also arranged chronologically, and by topic and industry. Articles from the present issue are also available, as well as articles that go "beyond the magazine," interactive business worksheets, and shareware/demoware. Inc. product information, as well as magazine subscription information, is also present.
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Get in touch with your creative side by browsing ArtSearch, "The place on the net to search for Arts and Crafts." This site gathers links to artists and exhibitions on the Internet, and allows users to search for media, subjects, and artists. Searchers may query across all categories of arts and crafts, or narrow their search to fine arts, fine crafts, folk arts, country crafts, or art resources. Suppliers of arts and crafts materials are also listed, with links to catalogs and other information.
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Bing Crosby Home Page
The Bing Crosby home page, organized around a list of 62 questions about Bing Crosby, allows you to test your knowledge of this legendary crooner. Each question links to detailed information about Crosby, his career, and his music. Through the end of June users can download and play a thirty-second excerpt from Crosby's 1932 recording of "Please," which Paul McCartney credited with inspiring the Beatles' "Please Please Me." In addition, there is substantial coverage of Crosby's competition with Frank Sinatra ("the Swooner vs. the Crooner"). Links to other Crosby sites, and to those of his musical colleagues, round out this tribute to Bing.
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GRATIS! Weekly Newsletter -- free software
GRATIS! is a newsletter dedicated to the proposition that everybody deserves something for nothing every once in a while (at least). Every week, GRATIS! sifts through the mountains of free (and *allegedly* free) software and services available online, and reports its findings to readers. Published each Monday, each issue contains valuable information about gratis goodies ranging from software to online college courses. Coverage is not restricted to the World Wide Web. Since GRATIS! covers everything available on the entire Internet, you will not be left out if you don't have Web access.
To subscribe send e-mail to majordomo@musictus.com
In the body of the message type:
subscribe gratis
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The Net: User Guidelines and Netiquette
For those new to the Internet, or for people helping them, "The Net: User Guidelines and Netiquette" offers general guidelines on the proper use of Internet resources. Topics covered include: email, telnet, FTP, USENET, and WWW, as well as the Ten Commandments from the Computer Ethics Institute. For each Internet technology, basic user information is given, as well as links to more detailed instructions and guidelines. The question and answer section provides detailed responses to actual user questions. A bibliography is included. For network administrators, there is a sample computer network policy that may be used as-is or adapted to particular networks (such as schools).
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WebWomen-HTML Discussion List
The WebWomen-HTML list was formed to provide a space for women content providers on the web. Related topics might include advanced HTML, standards, design issues, graphics assistance, and even Java/Javascript. Newbies to the web are welcome; however, general newbie-to-Internet questions will be answered with pointers to FAQs.
To subscribe send email to: webwomen-html-request@niestu.com
In the SUBJECT of the message type:
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Scout Report and Scout Report HTML Subscription Instructions
- To receive the electronic mail version of the Scout Report each week, join the scout-report mailing list. This is the only mail you will receive from this list.
send email to:listserv@lists.internic.net
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subscribe scout-report yourfirstname yourlastnameFor example, if your name is Frasier Crane, type:
subscribe scout-report Frasier CraneIf your name is not Frasier Crane, substitute your own name.
- To unsubscribe from the scout-report list, send email to:listserv@lists.internic.net
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unsubscribe scout-reportDo not type your name when unsubscribing.
- To receive the Scout Report in HTML format for local viewing and posting, subscribe to the scout-report-html mailing list, used exclusively to distribute the Scout Report in HTML format once a week.
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subscribe scout-report-html Frasier Crane.If your name is not Frasier Crane, substitute your own name.
- To unsubscribe from the scout-report-html list, send email to:listserv@lists.internic.net
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The Scout Report's Web page:
http://rs.internic.net/scout/report</ A>FTP:
ftp://rs.internic.net/scout/[Back to Contents]Copyright Susan Calcari, 1996. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of the Scout Report provided the copyright notice and this paragraph is preserved on all copies. The InterNIC provides information about the Internet to the US research and education community under a cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation: NCR-9218742. The Government has certain rights in this material.
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Wisconsin - Madison, the National Science Foundation, AT&T, or Network Solutions, Inc.