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Data Nuggets
Science |
Data analysis can often feel intimidating to K-12 students, especially those with math anxiety. To help instructors engage young learners with scientific data analysis, researchers at Michigan State University's W.K. Kellogg Biological Station created Data Nuggets, a series of authentic classroom activities that make use of "messy" scientific data. Developed in collaboration with K-12 educators, these activities bring real data into the classroom. Science teachers can currently browse 54 different Data Nuggets by content level or keyword. Each Nugget is based on the research of a current science graduate student and includes a set of data, a teacher's guide, a variety of classroom activities, and a grading rubric. For instance, in Dangerously Bold, students learn about the research of Melissa Kjelvik on the "boldness," or willingness to take risks, of bluegill sunfish. Students must examine data in order to independently evaluate Kjelvik hypothesis. Data Nuggets provides students with a unique opportunity to sharpen their mathematical and inference skills while learning about real-world scientific research - and a possible career path for themselves. [MMB] |
YALSA Academy
Social studies |
The Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) is a division of the American Library Association dedicated to "support[ing] library staff in alleviating the challenges teens face, and in putting all teens - especially those with the greatest needs - on the path to successful and fulfilling lives." For those who work with teens, whether that be in a library, classroom, or youth program setting, YALSA offers YALSA Academy, a series of short training videos, created by youth library experts, that address a number of topical issues. There are currently 19 videos viewable on the YALSA Academy YouTube channel. In one video, Oklahoma City librarian Meghan Hunt Wilson discusses how to connect teenagers to mental health resources and services. Other videos outline how librarians can use social media programs, such as Twitter, for outreach efforts, or offer advice for creating and fostering a teen-friendly space in a public library. While aimed specifically at young adult librarians, YALSA Academy is a valuable resource for all public librarians as well as anyone who works with teens. [MMB] |
NASA Scientific Visualization Studio
Science |
The Scientific Visualization Studio (SVS), Conceptual Image Lab (CI Lab) and Goddard Media Studios have teamed up to create "visualizations, animations, and images in order to promote a greater understanding of Earth and Space Science research activities at NASA and within the academic research community supported by NASA." These creations are organized into a number of galleries, including Mars Missions and Science, NASA's Heliophysics Gallery, and The View from Space: Data Visualizations and Hurricane Katrina. Alternatively, visitors can also explore these visualizations by keyword. As of this write up, the most recent visualizations are two animations that portray the precipitation patterns in California and across the globe during February 2017. Another visualization illustrates how deforestation has reduced chimpanzee habitats in Tanzania. Collectively, these visualizations highlight both the diversity of NASA's research efforts along with a number of environmental, geological, and astronomical phenomena. [MMB] |
Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy
Social studies |
The University of Manitoba publishes the Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, a journal dedicated to issues related to educational policy and practice across Canada. Published irregularly but frequently, this peer reviewed journal is presented entirely online. On this website, visitors can download the full text of all current and archived articles, dating back to the journals debut in 1995. In a December 2016 article, Brenton Faubert, assistant professor of Education at Western University, investigates the financial impact of students failing secondary courses. Meanwhile, in November 2016, the journal published a special issue featuring eight different papers discussing some aspect of the privatization of Canadian K-12 and higher education institutions. The journal also publishes articles related to issues arising within the classroom or individual schools. For example, a December 2015 article examines best practices for coordinating the roles of school counselors and school administrators. While specifically aimed at Canadian educators and policy makers, many of these articles may also be of interest to members of the educational community outside of Canada. [MMB] |
Health |
Originally featured in the July 12, 2002 issue of The Scout Report, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Wide-ranging Online Data for Epidemiologic Research (CDC WONDER) offers a number of databases and datasets related to public health. In the WONDER Systems tab, visitors can explore 23 online databases that allow visitors to retrieve data on a range of issues including Population statistics, Mortality Statistics, and Environmental Statistics (e.g. sunlight and air temperatures). The Topics tab offers additional data via eight broad categories: Chronic Conditions, Communicable Diseases, Environmental Health, Health Practice and Prevention, Injury Prevention, Nationally Notifiable Conditions, Occupational Health, and Reference Data. [MMB] |
Jonathan Swift Archives
Language Arts |
The UK's Keele University, along with the University of Oxford and the Centre for Computing in the Humanities at King's College, have collaborated to create the Jonathan Swift Archive, a digitized collection of Swift's writings, transcribed from their original print editions. As the site notes, this collection provides "a comprehensive account of the establishment and textual evolution of Jonathan Swift's prose works." Literature scholars and fans can browse over 300 texts penned by the famous seventeenth and eighteenth century author and satirist. Texts are organized chronologically and can also be browsed by Short Title, Publisher and Printer, or Year. As of this write up, the archive includes the full text of most of Swift's fiction and prose, including Gulliver's Travels and "A Modest Proposal." Readers may also view multiple editions of texts alongside one another via the Compare feature. For example, readers can check out six different publications of Gulliver's Travels, published between 1729 and 1736, and view corresponding page numbers side-by-side. [MMB] |
Newberry Library: Digital Collections for the Classroom
Social studies |
Digital Collections for the Classroom is a free online service for educators offered by the Newberry Library. The website provides access to digital versions of primary source materials from the Newberry's collections, optimized for teaching a variety of historical topics by providing study questions, contextual essays, and full citation information for the artifacts. Some lessons are Chicago-focused, such as 1893: Chicago and the World's Columbian Exposition or Art In Chicago 1900-1935, while others branch out into other regions and the World. For example, Imagining the American West in the Late Nineteenth Century starts by asking two questions: How has the West been imagined as both America's manifest destiny and a wild frontier? and In what ways do American Indian art and literature challenge these popular narratives of the West? The unit goes on to discuss Frederick Jackson Turner's frontier thesis, Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show, and images of frontier women. To contrast white settler's viewpoints versus those of Native Americans, the unit is illustrated with items such as a program cover for Buffalo Bill's Wild West, a watercolor painting of a Zuni pueblo by Seth Eastman, a soldier in the U.S. Army, and a Self-portrait by Silver Horn (Hawgone), a Kiowa leader and artist. [DS] |