The Scout Report for Social Sciences
November 18, 1997
A Publication of the Internet Scout Project
Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison
The target audience of the new Scout Report for Social Sciences is faculty, students, staff, and librarians in the social sciences. Each biweekly issue offers a selective collection of Internet resources covering topics in the field that have been chosen by librarians and content specialists in the given area of study.
The Scout Report for Social Sciences is also provided via email once every two weeks. Subscription information is included at the bottom of each issue.
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Learning Resources
New Data
Professional and General Interest
In the News
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Making of America--Completion of the First Phase
The University of Michigan Digital Library Initiative has completed the first phase of its Making of America Project (discussed in the March 28, 1997 Scout Report). The project's site now contains approximately 650,000 pages from 1,601 books and 10 journals with more than 49,000 articles which document American social history in the latter part of the 19th century. Making of America's new features include full text search of all 650,000 pages, browsable bibliographies for the journal articles and the monographs, support for frameless browsers, and simple SGML encoding which easily integrates both "raw" and "cooked" texts. This site is notable not only for its sheer size and utility, but also for its use of Optical Character Recognition technology, which presents users with a searchable scanned image of the actual pages of the 19th century texts. [MD]
[Back to Contents]JSTOR adds Journal of Asian Studies
The Far Eastern Quarterly
Participating JSTOR Sites
JSTOR has recently added the Journal of Asian Studies to its collection of full-text on-line journals. Volumes 16-50, spanning 1956-1991 (and volumes 1-15 of its predecessor, The Far Eastern Quarterly), are now available. Note: access to JSTOR contents is currently available only on a site licence basis to academic institutions. A list of institutions with site licenses is available. [MD]
[Back to Contents]United Nations Scholars' Workstation
Developed by the Yale University Library and the Social Science Statistical Laboratory, this site is "a collection of texts, finding aids, data sets, maps, and pointers to print and electronic information. Subject coverage includes disarmament, economic and social development, environment, human rights, international relations, international trade, peacekeeping, and population and demography." The Research Tools and Research Approaches to UN information sections highlight this site. The tools section contains links to library resources and finding aids, internet resources, CD-ROMs and databases, numeric data, maps, recent publications, and archival resources. The approaches section describes Internet access to UN information by organizational structure, research topic, geographic area, biographical information, and current US legislation. [MD]
[Back to Contents]Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI)
NIDI is an independent institute engaged in the scientific study of population. Research carried out at NIDI aims to contribute to the description, analysis, explanation or prediction of demographic trends in the past, the present and the future. The NIDI site offers several items of interest to Demographers and graduate students. Users can consult a list of projects the Institute is currently sponsoring, with some links to abstracts and contact information; the site also contains information on a number of NIDI's publications including Institute reports, European Studies of Population, and the Dutch language journals DEMOS and Bevolking en Gezin (Population and Family). Lists of articles and English abstracts are available for all publications, as is a comprehensive annotated list of related links, including a number of links to sites with Demographic software. [MD]
[Back to Contents]UNESCO MOST Clearing House
The MOST Clearing House site, provided by UNESCO's Management of Social Transformations Programme, promotes international comparative social science research. "The overall long-term objective of MOST is to establish sustainable links between the scientific and policy communities and to emphasize the relevance of social science research for policy-formulation." The site offers up-to-date information on current projects, publications, and activities of the Programme. Present topics include poverty and social exclusion, growing up in cities, and public policy and ethnic conflict. The strongest feature of the site is the "Best Practices" databank, which aims to "create a bridge between empirical solutions, research and policy-makers" by offering information and links to programs around the world that have introduced creative and sustainable responses to social and environmental problems. Additional features of this site include an internal search engine, an e-mail announcement service, and a reference service providing links to the partners in the Clearing House Network. [MD]
[Back to Contents]History-Child-Family Mailing List
This new unmoderated mailing list has been created to "enable exchange of ideas and resources among teachers and researchers of childhood and family history in Britain and Europe." The homepage contains list information and searchable message archives. [MD]To subscribe send email to:
In the body of the message type:
join history-child-family firstname(s) lastname
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National Archives: Digital Classroom--Recent Additions
National Standards for United States History
The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) has recently updated its Digital Classroom with lesson plans on Constitution Day and the founding of the US Navy. The Digital Classroom provides materials from NARA, methods for teaching with primary sources, and sample lesson plans for K-12 teachers. The Primary Sources and Activities section currently contains reproducible copies of primary documents and teaching activities (correlated to the National History Standards) for seven topics. Some of these include Poster Art of World War II, Jackie Robinson's career as a civil rights leader (discussed in the April 11, 1997 Scout Report), and Watergate and the Constitution. Advice, navigating activities, and information on NARA publications and workshops for educators are offered at this site. The National Archives plans to add to the site on a regular basis. [MD]
[Back to Contents]Theban Mapping Project--KV5 [QTVR]
Less graphical interface:
Since 1989, the Theban Mapping Project (TMP) has been slowly uncovering a tomb denoted as KV5, located in the Valley of the Kings. Once thought to be a minor site, KV5 now appears to be the burial place of the sons of Ramesses II and one of the most important archaeological finds of this century. To date, archaeologists have discovered over 110 chambers; meanwhile, the excavation continues. The wealth of information on this project and other TMP activities includes a history of the site, a virtual tour, information on excavation and relief carvings, and a progress report and news on recent finds. Other attractions at this site include the Theban Necropolis (a tour of the major monuments of Thebes); information on other tombs in the Valley of the Kings, including King Tutankhamen; a behind-the-scenes look at the world of egyptology; and numerous illustrative maps and photos. An egyptological Bibliography containing over 30,000 references accessible by over 1,000 keywords is planned for the future. Currently 16 different bibliographies are available. [MD]
[Back to Contents]Geography Discipline Network (GDN) Resource Database
Maintained by Phil Gravestock of Cheltenham & Gloucester College of Higher Education, this site hosts a collection of short (300 word maximum) abstracts of teaching, learning and assessment practices in geography courses. The database is searchable by keywords or abstract originators and covers a wide variety of instruction-related geography topics. Entries include contact information and references. This site is particularly useful for graduate student instructors and junior faculty. [MD]
[Back to Contents]Russian Politics
This site, part of Seanet's, is a useful resource for Russian studies courses. Users will find biographies of key politicians in the two chambers of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and the government, as well as important Russian entrepreneurs. The site offers data from the 1995 and 1996 elections, including general voting statistics and party by party vote breakdowns. In the Documents section users can find the full text of the 1993 Constitution as well as several helpful maps (political, ethnic division, administrative division, and autonomous areas). [MD]
[Back to Contents]Hohokam Indians of the Tucson Basin
The University of Arizona Press now offers a complete online version of Linda M. Gregonis & Karl J. Reinhard's book on the "earliest Tusconians." Originally published in 1979, this resource is the product of archaeological work done on a large Hohokam village unearthed in northeast Tucson in 1975. Divided into three parts, Gregonis and Reinhard's book describes the Hohokam world, Hohokam culture, and the excavation and interpretation of the "Hardy site" in Tucson. [MD]
[Back to Contents]Angelcynn--Glossary of the Dark Ages
Angelcynn--Anglo-Saxon Living History 400-900AD
Angelcynn is a historical recreation society dedicated to uncovering the details of culture, warfare, and everyday life in 5th to 9th century England. Short, informative pieces are available on a variety of related topics including religion, arms and armor, clothing, and recent archaeological discoveries. The new Glossary of the Dark Ages section contains over 250 hyperlinked "explanations of some of the words, peoples and places important to the study of the early medieval period." [MD]
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Conference Announcements
American Studies and the Question of Empire: Histories, Cultures, and Practices
November 19-22 1998, Seattle Washington. The American Studies Association (ASA) has issued a second call for papers for its annual meeting, which is open to anyone having an interdisciplinary interest in the study of American culture and civilization. [MD]
Global Access, Local Support: Social Science Computing in the Age of the World Wide Web
May 19-22 1998, New Haven, Connecticut. The International Association for Social Science Information Service and Technology (IASSIST) and the Social Science Computing Association (SSCA) announce their joint 1998 Conference. Themes may include, but are not limited to: expanded roles of data libraries and archives; new avenues for academic teaching; quantitative data in the age of the Internet; and metadata standards, resource discovery. [MD]
International Rock Art Congress
September 6-12 1998, Vila Real, Portugal. The theme, Crossing Frontiers, "will bring together researchers and students that are interested in the study, conservation and presentation of rock-art throughout the world." Several symposia will fall under each of five topics: World Tour, Science, Future, Ideas, and Cyber-Space. [MD]
International Standing Conference for the History of Education (ISCHE)
August 15-18 1998, Kortrijk, Belgium. The theme of the ISCHE's 20th meeting is "'Imagine all the education . . .' The visual in the making of educational space through history." Scholars are invited to submit original research papers dealing with a visual aspect of the educational process. [MD]
(For links to additional calls for papers and conference announcements, see the Conference section of the Current Awareness Metapage:
[Back to Contents]Job Guides/Funding Opportunities
H-Net Job Guide for November 17, 1997
New H-Net Job Guide Search Feature
The new search feature permits searching by category and time range.
Chronicle of Higher Education Job Openings
Social Science
Crossroads Guide to Employment and Funding Opportunities in American Studies
Funding Sources for Women's Studies
The Winter 1997 issue of Feminist Collections, produced by the University of Wisconsin System's Women's Studies Librarian's Office, includes a column by Elizabeth Breed on Internet sites on grants, scholarships, and other funding sources for women's studies. [MD]
Princeton University Library Fellowships
The Friends of the Princeton University Library offer up to ten short-term Visiting Fellowships to promote scholarly use of the research collections of the Library. [MD]
(For links to additional Job Guides, see the Employment/Funding section of the Current Awareness Metapage:
[Back to Contents]Lithics-Net
This site, provided by Art Gumbus, is a comprehensive resource on North American aborigine projectile points and lithics. At present, the site contains data on 107 types of points, organized alphabetically or by shape. Each point entry features a nice illustration, location, associated dates, morphology, general description, and references. For the benefit of non-specialists, the site also provides a helpful illustrated Standard Point Terminology guide and a Glossary of Lithics Terminology. [MD]
[Back to Contents]Virtual Attorney.Com
This new free electronic publication provided by HC Enterprises is written by and for attorneys to provide a guide to the technological resources available to the legal field. The first issue offers software reviews, advice for novices buying a new computer, and a look at the latest technological news as it affects the legal profession. The site also offers a collection of links and a guide to online resources. [MD]
[Note: Resource(s)/URL(s) mentioned above is no longer available.]
[Back to Contents]Urban Documentary Photographs by Tom Hubbard
In his recently revamped site, Tom Hubbard of Ohio State University shares some of his 40 years of experience in photojournalism. The subtle and often powerful photos are grouped into eleven sections, representing different phases of Hubbard's career. Thumbnails are provided for quick downloading. Hubbard does more than share his photographic work; fifteen articles on photojournalism written by Hubbard and arranged chronologically beginning 1973, are provided. [MD]
[Back to Contents]Seiwa-en
The largest Japanese garden in North America, situated on 14 acres in St. Louis, Missouri, is called Seiwa-en, or the "garden of pure, clear harmony and peace." This site, provided by Outside-In, offers the next best thing to visiting Seiwa-en--a virtual tour. Users can tour the garden via the offered pathways, which guide the experience of the garden determining viewpoint, focus, and route, or by selecting areas from the garden map. Users can also choose to view the garden's features directly. These include lanterns, water basins, waterfalls, structures, and plants, trees and flowers. The photos, like the garden itself, are very attractive and include a short caption. [MD]
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"The Importance of Engagement: A Strategy for Reconstruction in the Great Lakes Region"--Oxfam International
The ten aid agencies that make up Oxfam International have issued a document calling for an integrated international strategy to address the crisis in the Great Lakes region of Africa. Oxfam argues that making the transition from war to peace requires linking all aspects of international engagement to substantially increased levels of support and debt relief while fostering respect for human rights. [MD]
[Back to Contents]Oriental Institute Chicago House Bulletins
Tom Van Eynde: Thebes Photographic Project
Twelve Chicago House Bulletins are now available, all of the issues dating back to January 1994. These are the communications of the Oriental Institute's Epigraphic Survey in Luxor, Egypt. Users may also be interested in the recently updated photo selections from Tom Van Eynde's excellent Thebes Photographic Project, which are also available at the Oriental Institute's Epigraphic Survey site. [MD]
[Back to Contents]HUD USER Recent Research Results--November 1997
The latest issue of HUD USER's newsletter is now online. Articles in this issue include: "Helping PHAs (Public Housing Authorities) Choose and Use Private Management," "Measuring Gains From Mixed-Income Housing," and "Insulating Concrete Form Shows Promise for Single-Family Construction." Note that these are short articles pertaining to various HUD products and services. HUD USER has also updated and expanded its website, which now offers a detailed guide to HUD's Office of Policy Development and Research and a customization feature that automatically displays information on housing topics of interest to the user. [MD]
[Back to Contents]New Think Tank Policy Papers and Briefs
Kenneth Flamm and Edward J. Lincoln, "Time to Reinvent APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum)"--Brookings Institution
Adam D. Thierer, "The Department of Justice's Unjustifiable Inquisition of Microsoft"--Heritage Foundation
.pdf version
John Arquilla and David Ronfeldt,(eds.), In Athena's Camp: Preparing for Conflict in the Information Age--RAND National Defense Research Institute [.pdf, 501p.]
C. Eugene Steuerle, "Should We Spend Budget Surpluses Even Before They Occur?"--The Urban Institute
Jeff Faux, "Fast Track and the Global Economy"--Economic Policy Institute
(For links to additional new Think Tank publications see the Think Tank Policy Papers section on the Current Awareness Metapage:
[Back to Contents]New Tables of Contents/Abstracts for recent and forthcoming issues are available for the following Journals:[MD]
Journal of American Studies
Population and Development Review
American Antiquity
Western European Politics
Current Anthropology
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SIPRI Military Expenditure Country Graphs
SIPRI Yearbook 1997
The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute's (SIPRI) military expenditure project "collects information on and monitors trends in military expenditure throughout the world. The data provide a solid basis for comparisons and evaluations of military expenditure and of the economic burden of such expenditure." This site features graphs, organized by region, that combine local currency/current prices and US dollars/constant prices tables to provide an illustration of trends in military expenditure in individual countries between 1987 and 1996. The data for these graphs was taken from the SIPRI Yearbook 1997. The Yearbook site features the introduction, highlights, and chapter summaries in html or .pdf format. [MD]
[Back to Contents]Voting and Registration Data--Historical Time Series Tables [.pdf]
The US Census Bureau's new site "provides information on reported voting and registration by various demographic and socioeconomic characteristics and was collected for the nation in November of congressional and presidential election years. Detailed information from recent surveys and historical trends in selected areas is listed as well as projections of the voting age population by age, race, and sex." Note that the Statistical Brief is in .pdf format. [MD]
[Back to Contents]New York State Data Center
"The State Data Center is a cooperative program with the U.S. Bureau of the Census for managing the dissemination of Census, state and federal statistical information." From this site users can access various statistical series for and about New York's population and economy. [MD]
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Standoff in Iraq
Security Council Resolutions 1134 (October 23, 1997) and 1137 (November 12, 1997)
Security Council Resolution 660 (August 6, 1990)
United States Information Agency: US Policy in the Gulf
PBS Online NewsHour: Interview with US Ambassador Bill Richardson
Washington Post International Special Report:Iraq
BBC News: Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction
MSNBC News: The Persian Gulf balance of power
IraqNet--News Center
Ba'th Arab Socialist Party--Speech by Saddam Hussein
This week's In the News covers the growing tension over Iraq's non-compliance with UN weapons inspectors. These eleven resources provide some information on the background and possible outcome of this situation. The current crisis with Iraq began on October 29, 1997 when Iraq declared it would expel American weapons inspectors working with the UN and shoot down American U-2 spy planes flying over the country. On Friday, November 14 American inspectors were told to leave Iraq and the UN pulled out most of the other inspectors as well. Over the weekend, both the US military presence in the region and Iraqi declarations of defiance increased. However, it now seems that progress is being made towards a diplomatic solution, with the US looking to Russia and France to convince Iraq to comply with the UN disarmament resolution.The UN offers several documents related to the current crisis, including Security Council Resolutions demanding Iraqi compliance with the weapons inspections and the 1990 resolution which set the groundwork for the Gulf War coalition. The US Information Agency site provides a large number of documents which trace US policy in the region and pertaining to Iraq in particular. PBS Online NewsHour features a transcript and RealAudio recording of an interview with Bill Richardson, the United States' ambassador to the UN. The sites provided by the Washington Post, the BBC, and MSNBC offer the latest news, background documents and analysis of the standoff as a whole including several related issues. ArabNet's Iraq page features a brief overview of Iraqi history, geography, and culture from ancient Mesopotamia to the invasion of Kuwait. IraqNet, a non-political Cybercafe for all Iraqis, includes a discussion forum and related links, as well as the latest news on Iraq. The Ba'th Arab Socialist Party, Iraq's ruling party, offers a transcript of a speech made by President Hussein on Arab unity at its September 1997 leadership conference. [MD]
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The Scout Report for Social Sciences
Brought to You by the Internet Scout Project
The Scout Report for Social Sciences is published every other Tuesday by the Internet Scout Project, located in the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Department of Computer Sciences.
Susan Calcari
Jack Solock Michael de Nie Jeannine Ramsey |
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Managing Editor Editor Assistant Editor Production Editor |
Copyright Susan Calcari and the University of Wisconsin Board of Regents, 1994-1998. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of the Scout Report for Social Sciences provided the copyright notice and this paragraph is preserved on all copies. The Internet Scout Project provides information about the Internet to the US research and education community under a grant from the National Science Foundation, number NCR-9712163. The Government has certain rights in this material.
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