The Scout Report for Social Sciences
March 10, 1998
A Publication of the Internet Scout Project
Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison
The target audience of the new Scout Report for Social Sciences is faculty, students, staff, and librarians in the social sciences. Each biweekly issue offers a selective collection of Internet resources covering topics in the field that have been chosen by librarians and content specialists in the given area of study.
The Scout Report for Social Sciences is also provided via email once every two weeks. Subscription information is included at the bottom of each issue.
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New Data
Learning Resources and General Interest
In the News
Current Awareness
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WomenWatch--The UN Internet Gateway on the Advancement and Empowerment of Women
This UN site offers information and news on national and international efforts for women's advancement and empowerment. At the site users can learn about UN and intergovernmental bodies promoting women's rights, view information on UN global conferences on women, browse regional plans of action for women's advancement and empowerment, and obtain up to date information on events at the UN and elsewhere in the follow-up to the Beijing and other global UN conferences. Additional resources include a collection of annotated related links and links to the schedule, and official documents of the 42nd annual Commission on the Status of Women (March 2-13, 1998). [MD]
[Back to Contents]CRFilter--Congressional Record Filter [Java, Javascript]
THOMAS: US Congress on the Internet
CRFilter is part of a doctoral dissertation on the adoption of filtering technology being run by Steve Gant at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. CRFilter acts an intermediary between the user and THOMAS' (discussed in the Scout Report for January 13, 1995) Congressional Record, helping the user monitor specific interests. Users can save THOMAS search queries in the CRFilter and then check back periodically to view only new items that match their interests. Enhanced CRFilter uses a three-frame interface which displays search queries, matching documents, and text of the current document under review. In addition, users can search the whole Congressional Record text back to 1993. Please note that users are required to register, fill out a 40 question survey and agree to have the frequency (but not content) of their use of the filter measured. [MD]
[Note: Resource(s)/URL(s) mentioned above is no longer available.]
[Back to Contents]Avenir des Peuples des Forets Tropicales (APFT)--The Future of Tropical Rainforest Peoples
Less Graphical Interface
APFT is a multi-disciplinary project sponsored by the European Community which aims to investigate and document the future of the peoples of the rainforest, focusing on three principal areas: the Caribbean, Central Africa and the Southwestern Pacific. At the site, users can view maps, APFT publications (articles, reports, projects, and working papers), and search a bibliographical database. Information on the structure and goals of APFT, position papers on various topics, related links, and an internal search engine are also provided. Note that some content is available in French only. [MD]
[Back to Contents]JSTOR Update
International Family Planning Perspectives v. 1-21, 1975-1995
Population: An English Selection v. 44, 1989; v.2-7, 1990-1995
Journal of Health and Social Behavior v. 1-33, 1960-1992
List of Participating Academic Institutions
The full text of International Family Planning Perspectives v. 1-21, 1975-1995, Population: An English Selection v. 44, 1989; v.2-7, 1990-1995, and Journal of Health and Social Behavior v. 1-33, 1960-1992, are now available online at JSTOR. The International Family Planning Perspectives and Journal of Health and Social Behavior continue earlier journals, the full text of which are also available at the site. Note: access to JSTOR contents is currently available only on a site licence basis to academic institutions. A list of institutions with site licenses is provided. [MD]
[Back to Contents]REGARD Database
REGARD is a database containing information on social science research which is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council, ESRC (UK). Users can search with keywords for details of funded research projects, as well as publications or other research products. Typical search returns include record type, award record number, title, links to related products/awards, place and date of publication, and ISBN. The ESRC funds research on a wide variety of economic and social science topics. [MD]
[Back to Contents]The Archaeological Remote Sensing Geophysics Image Library
Professor Kenneth L. Kvamme's Homepage
Provided by the Boston University Department of Archaeology, this site offers thumbnail images derived from archaeological projects led by Professor Kenneth L. Kvamme. "These projects have utilized ground penetrating radar, proton magnetometry, fluxgate gradiometry, resistivity, and conductivity methods." Some of the sites include prehistoric villages, prehistoric hunting camps, battlefields from the Revolutionary War, Roman sites, and historic stage stations. All images are annotated and the site also offers information on the instruments used in geophysical surveys. Professor Kvamme's homepage also offers images and summaries from several of his recent remote sensing projects. [MD]
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The Crossroads Electronic Expo on Innovations in American Studies
American Studies Electronic Crossroads
The Expo is a month-long online event in April 1998 that will focus on teaching, scholarship, and methods in American Studies, and especially on the role of electronic resources and new media. Based at the Crossroads site, the Expo will offer activities for all members of the international community of teachers, students, and scholars in American Studies and related fields. Featured events and planned resources include: a wide range of "Electronic Pavilions"; an interactive forum on the "Introductory Course in American Studies"; Case study exhibits on using technology to teach American Studies; and interactive dialogues on "Objects, Subjects, and New Media in American Studies." Information on how to participate in the Expo is offered at the site. [MD]
[Back to Contents]Selma: Demonstrations in Dixie [frames]
Cliff Vaughn, a doctoral candidate at Bowling Green State University, created this site as a precursor to his electronic dissertation on civil rights demonstrations in Alabama. Under Demonstrations, users will find descriptions and photos of marches and protests in Selma, mostly in early 1965. The Freedom Songs section contains lyrics to popular freedom songs and a research paper by Vaughn on their role in the movement. The Photo Archive offers a collection of photographs from the movement in Selma, including the Selma to Montgomery march. A collection of research resources and links rounds out the site. [MD]
[Back to Contents]Two Resources for Integrating the Internet and Classroom Instruction
Developing a Course Web Page: Virtual Resource Packet
Internet Lesson Plans
The first site was prepared by Helen Look and Susan Hollar for a University of Michigan workshop. It is essentially a basic overview and collection of linked resources on the planning process, web page building tools, graphics resources, and selection of resources for linking. The second site is a collection of lesson plans and learning projects provided by Abenaki Associates for Canada's SchoolNet. Many lessons can be adapted for use in classrooms of any grade, while some are best suited for more experienced users. Lesson plan topics include History of the Internet, What Can the Net Do?, E-Mail, Internet Mailing Lists, Internet Addresses, Archie, and Chat. [MD]
[Back to Contents]Recommended Readings on the Ancient Near East
The Research Archives of the Oriental Institute in Chicago has posted an updated version of its 1996 printed Guide to Introductory Readings on the Peoples and Cultures of the Ancient Near East. Resources are grouped under three general headings: Ancient Egypt, Ancient Nubia, and Ancient Mesopotamia; each contains a list of general reference works. Sub-topics include mummification, religion, art, hieroglyphics, architecture, law and government, and books for students and young readers. [MD]
[Back to Contents]The Taoism Information Page
Affiliated with the WWW Virtual Library for Asian Studies, this virtual library, provided by Gene R. Thursby, Professor in the Department of Religion at the University of Florida, offers a large number of Taoism resources. Users will find links to general introductions to Taoism, translations and other information for the Tao Te Ching, the Chuang-tzu, and the I Ching. Other resources include links to information on Feng Shui, Confucianism and Buddhism, Taoism and Chinese Culture, and Taoism and Martial Arts. [MD]
[Back to Contents]Le Poulet Gauche
A group of Boston-area creative anachronists produce this site, which offers a number of resources for historical recreation as well as some introductory information on politics and society in 16th century France. Users will find an introduction to the group, an outline of its plans to recreate a 16th century tavern from the port city of Calais, and some guidelines for developing and performing an historical persona at SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism) events. The site also offers short essays on a variety of aspects of everyday 16th century French tavern life. Users seeking a broader understanding of the politics of the period can read essays on the Reformation, the Wars of Religion, World Affairs, Who's Who, and Warfare in the Sixteenth Century. [MD]
[Back to Contents]Steam Engine Library
Provided by the Department of History of the University of Rochester, NY, this site contains the full text or selections from thirteen original works on different aspects and history of the steam engine. Most of the entries are from the nineteenth-century and many include diagrams, tables, and illustrations. [MD]
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National Centre for Development Studies (NCDS)--New Working Papers [.pdf]
NCDS Online Bookshelf
ftp to:
The NCDS, located at the Australian National University, has recently made additions to its six working papers series. These series are: China Economy, Development Issues, East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, and South Pacific. Please note that the papers can only be downloaded from the Online Bookshelf, where they are identified by the author's last name. [MD]
[Back to Contents]sosol: sociology of sport online
Based at Brunel University, UK, this new electronic journal aims to provide "an international forum for the stimulation and dissemination of research concepts and theory relating to the sociological examination of sport, physical education and coaching." The journal will include theoretical and empirical papers, critical literature reviews, book reviews, and a section for student research. Offerings in the first issue include: "Sport sociology 2000," "Sport and social capital in British higher education," "The dynamics of human diversity in sport pedagogy scholarship," and "Studying the commercialization of sport: The need for critical analysis." [MD]
[Back to Contents]"Computing And The Humanities: Promise And Prospects"--A National Arts and Humanities Computing Roundtable
The American Council on Learned Societies (ACLS) has posted a summary report of a roundtable meeting conducted in March 1997 at the National Academy of Sciences as part of its "Occasional Paper" series. The meeting gathered together prominent individuals in the fields of computing and communications science and arts and humanities research, in an attempt to explore the complexities of cross-disciplinary collaboration. [MD]
[Back to Contents]NEH Fellowships, 1999-2000
The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) has announced the 1999-2000 competition for NEH fellowships for advanced research in the humanities. "Applicants may be faculty members of colleges and universities, staff members of colleges and universities, or faculty and staff members of primary and secondary schools. Scholars and writers working independently or in institutions such as museums, libraries, and historical associations or in institutions with no connection to the humanities also are eligible to apply." Complete application information is available at the site. [MD]
[Back to Contents]JASSS: The Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation
Hosted by the Sociology Department at the University of Surrey, UK, this new inter-disciplinary e-journal seeks to explore and understand social processes by means of computer simulation. Articles in the first issue (January 1998) include: "Kinship based demographic simulation of societal processes," "Qualitative modeling and simulation of socio-economic phenomena," and "Simulating collective misbelief." [MD]
[Back to Contents]New Offerings from Academic Publishers[MD]
Baker&Taylor Upcoming Books to Buy--March 1998 Subject List
What's New at Cambridge University Press
Addison-Wesley General Trade Books by Category
[Back to Contents]Conference Announcements
The Twenty-Sixth Annual Telecommunications Policy Research Conference
October 3-5, 1998 Alexandria, Virginia. "The Telecommunications Policy Research Conference (TPRC) is an annual forum for dialogue among scholars and decision-makers from the public and private sectors engaged in communication and information policy." Paper proposals should be based on current theoretical and/or empirical research relevant to the making of communication and information policy, and may be from any disciplinary perspective. [MD]
January 10-14, 1999 University of Cape Town, South Africa. The fourth meeting of the World Archaeological Conference will continue the work of WAC in developing a global dimension of archaeology and the social role that archaeologists play as interpreters of the past. Of particular interest will be the study of the human condition and the role of archaeology in the coming millennium. [MD]
1848/1898@1998 Transhistoric Thresholds
December 8-12, 1998 Arizona State University. This interdisciplinary conference will commemorate the anniversaries of two momentous landmarks in world history: the sesquicentennial of the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo and the centennial of the 1898 Spanish-American War. The conference hopes to foster "(inter)national reflection, study, and dialogue regarding the history and cumulative impact into the present of 1848/1898 on the United States and the world." [MD]
(For links to additional calls for papers and conference announcements, see the Conference section of the Current Awareness Metapage:
[Back to Contents]Job Guides/Funding Opportunities
H-Net Job Guide for March 9, 1998
Chronicle of Higher Education Job Openings
Social Science
Crossroads Guide to Employment and Funding Opportunities in American Studies
American Anthropological Association Positions Open--March 1998
(For links to additional Job Guides, see the Employment/Funding section of the Current Awareness Metapage:
[Back to Contents]New Think Tank Policy Papers and Briefs
Robert Kuttner, "The Right's Wrongs on Education and Savings"--Electronic Policy Network
Robert A. Levy, "Microsoft and the Browser Wars Fit To Be Tied"--Cato Institute
Caroline S. Wagner, "International Cooperation in Research and Development: An Inventory of US Government Spending and a Framework for Measuring Benefits,"--Rand Institution Monograph/Report (MR-900-OSTP)
Marten van Heuven and Gregory F. Treverton, "Europe and America: How Will the United States Adjust to the New Partnership?"--RAND Institution
James H. Anderson, "Senate Opportunities to Strengthen NATO Enlargement"--Heritage Foundation
PDF Version:
Ariel Cohen, "Nato Enlargement Is No Threat to US-Russian Relations"--Heritage Foundation
PDF Version:
"Task Force on Resources for International Affairs"--Brookings Institution and The Council on Foreign Relations
(For links to additional new Think Tank publications see the Think Tank Policy Papers section on the Current Awareness Metapage:
[Back to Contents]New Tables of Contents/Abstracts for recent and forthcoming issues are available for the following Journals:[MD]
Internet Archaeology (full text, free registration required)
Migration News (full text)
Web Journal of Current Legal Issues (full text)
World Politics (abstracts)
History and Theory
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Digest of Education Statistics 1997--NCES
Mini-Digest of Education Statistics, 1997--NCES [.pdf, 71 p.]
The National Center for Education Statistics has released this compilation of statistics, covering a broad range of topics in American education from kindergarten through graduate school. The Digest includes over 400 tables, each of which is also available for downloading as a Lotus WK1 file. The Mini-Digest, in .pdf format, is designed as an easy reference to the statistics found in the larger Digest.[MD]
[Back to Contents]Social Security Statistics Canada and Provinces 1970-71 to 1994-95
The Minister of Human Resources Development Canada has recently placed this report online. Organized by Province, the report contains annual data on expenditures and beneficiaries for a comprehensive set of income security and social services programs, over the 25-year period 1970-71 to 1994-95. Health and education expenditures are also included for computation of total social security expenditures. [MD]
[Back to Contents]Sigma 4/1997 : Paving the way for accession [.pdf]
The latest issue of SIGMA, the bulletin of European statistics, is now available for download in .pdf format. This issue contains numerous articles on statistics and enlargement of the European Union as well as focus articles on several member states and Eurostat, the Statistical Office of the EU. [MD]
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Elections in India
Election Commission Of India--General Election '98
Ballot '98--Times of India
India Election '98
IndiaVotes '98
Indian Parliament
Official Site of the BJP
Indian National Congress Party
This week's In the News discusses the general elections in India. These seven resources offer poll results, analysis, and commentary. More than 600 million voters in the world's largest democracy went to the polls recently to choose candidates from 622 political parties. The election produced a temporarily deadlocked parliament, with the Hindu nationalist party, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and an alliance of the Congress and United Front parties hotly pursuing representatives from smaller regional parties to reach the magic number of 272 -- a majority. On March 10, President KR Narayanan formally asked the leader of the BJP, Atal Bihari Vajpayee, whether or not he is able to form the next government. It is now up to the BJP to decide whether or not it can put together a working coalition.The Election Commission of India site contains more than 5,000 pages of information on parties and candidates as well as state and national poll results and press releases. The Times of India Ballot '98 Election Special offers the latest election news results (by state), statistics, and commentary. The India Election '98 site, provided by WebIndia Technologies Pvt. Ltd., contains an election news ticker as well as archives, opinion poll results, and numerous commentaries. IndiaVotes '98, discussed in the Scout Report (January 30, 1998) and provided by India Today and India World, posts current news, polls, and opinion, along with information about parties and leaders. The Indian Parliament site offers a brief overview of the two houses of the Indian legislature: Lok Sabha (House of the People) and Rajya Sabha (Council of States). The BJP site offers statewide poll results through an interactive map, the party election manifesto, party history, policy statements, and information on the party leadership. The Congress Party, which has held power for almost all of India's 50 years of independence, outlines its achievements, history, and leadership at its site. [MD]
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The Scout Report for Social Sciences
Brought to You by the Internet Scout Project
The Scout Report for Social Sciences is published every other Tuesday by the Internet Scout Project, located in the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Department of Computer Sciences.
Susan Calcari
Jack Solock Michael de Nie Laura X. Payne |
-- -- -- -- |
Managing Editor Editor Assistant Editor Production Editor |
Copyright Susan Calcari and the University of Wisconsin Board of Regents, 1994-1998. Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of the Scout Report for Social Sciences provided the copyright notice and this paragraph is preserved on all copies. The Internet Scout Project provides information about the Internet to the US research and education community under a grant from the National Science Foundation, number NCR-9712163. The Government has certain rights in this material.
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