As the subject says, at some point in the last day or so the metadata field, Release Flag, has disappeared from the metadata field editor page. I can find it via Collection Administration Help > Metadata Field Definitions > Release Flag. But once I go in and edit it there, and click update, it spews out the following error:
Notice: Undefined variable: Results in /var/www/libjobhunt/pages/EditMetadataField.php on line 812
Notice: Undefined variable: Results in /var/www/libjobhunt/pages/EditMetadataField.php on line 812
Notice: Undefined variable: Results in /var/www/libjobhunt/pages/EditMetadataField.php on line 812
Message: Unknown condition type:
Location: /var/www/libjobhunt/interface/default/objects/PrivilegeEditingUI.php[460]
#0 /var/www/libjobhunt/interface/default/objects/PrivilegeEditingUI.php(440): PrivilegeEditingUI->ExtractPrivilegeSetFromFormData(Array)
#1 /var/www/libjobhunt/interface/default/objects/PrivilegeEditingUI.php(208): PrivilegeEditingUI->ExtractPrivilegeSetFromFormData(Array)
#2 /var/www/libjobhunt/pages/EditMetadataField.php(1669): PrivilegeEditingUI->GetPrivilegeSetsFromForm()
#3 /var/www/libjobhunt/pages/EditMetadataField.php(1826): GetValidInput(Array, Array)
#4 /var/www/libjobhunt/lib/ScoutLib/ApplicationFramework.php(524): include('/var/www/libjob...')
#5 /var/www/libjobhunt/index.php(65): ApplicationFramework->LoadPage('EditMetadataFie...')
#6 {main}
I have to admit to being not the most technically adept, but I'm working on learning as I go along. Help! How do I get the release flag back, or disabled so that all submitted resources show up?
First, I'm assuming from the above error that you're using CWIS 3.2.0? If you're not too far in, I'd suggest switching to CWIS 3.9.0 if you're working on a new site. Although it's technically a beta release, it's a much, much better starting point, both in terms of customizability and for future upgradability.
As to the above error: On the Help page, is Release Flag appearing in the Enabled Fields or the Disabled Fields section? And does the description that appears with it there seem correct?
That's correct. I shied away from the 3.9.0 because of the beta status. Definitely not too far in (only a couple test resources uploaded). I'll probably end up giving that a shot if this Release Flag issue is too complex.
It's no longer visible on either the enabled or disabled metadata fields in the editor..
In regards to upgrading do you have a sense for when the status will move from beta to stable release with 3.9.0?
If the field is appearing on that Help page but not showing up at all on the Metadata Field Editor page, then something has probably gotten corrupted in the database. That's definitely fixable with some effort, but if the database structure itself is corrupted, it's unlikely to affect just that one thing -- the CWIS code itself (at least if unmodified) is written in such a way that corruption at an application level is pretty unlikely, so the problem may be originating at a lower level.
If you're not very far in, I'd definitely switch to 3.9.0. We'll be releasing 3.9.1 later this month, with an eye toward the production 4.0.0 release coming out in late fall / early winter.
thanks for the help! I'll get started with 3.9.0. I was still in the early stages, so I won't be losing as much.
I hit another snag with 3.9.0 where it's throwing up this error when I'm attempting to make a new metadata field:
Uncaught Exception
Message: Unknown condition type:
Location: interface/default/objects/PrivilegeEditingUI.php[460]
Apologies for the delay in following up on this.
The privilege editing UI makes pretty heavy use of javascript when constructing privilege sets to be sure they are valid before submitting them back to the server. It *can* still work without that additional validation, but using it in that way requires the user to know a fair bit about what kind of conditions are supported for which kinds of fields. This error looks very much like one that occurs when client-side validation is disabled and an invalid privilege set is entered.
Is it possible that you're running a browser extension that disableds javascript? Alternately, is the server side javascript minification having trouble writing out minified files? If neither of those are the issue, could you attach a screenshot of the priv editing screen right before you save?