CWIS system log filling up

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CWIS system log filling up

We had an out of memory error from the CWIS system log filling up. Apparently CWIS loads the system log file, so when it got too large we had the out of memory problem. We renamed the log file and let it start over, and the out of memory error stopped. 

The log appears to be filling with these:

2016-04-12 11:01:26 F ERR Unable to write out minimized JavaScript for file plugins/Folders/interface/default/include/Folders_Support.js
2016-04-12 11:01:26 F ERR Unable to write out minimized JavaScript for file plugins/Folders/interface/default/include/Folders_Main.js
The js files appear to exist, so we are not sure what the problem is or where to begin troubleshooting it. Can you point us in the right direction?
Re: CWIS system log filling up

Hey Greg.  The minimized JavaScript files are actually written under the cache directory local/data/caches/JSMin, so I would check to make sure that directory is writable by the web server.  (And we'll improve the error message going forward to make that clearer. :-))

On the out-of-memory issue, were you running into that just on the main Administration page, or on other pages as well?

Re: CWIS system log filling up

Hi Ed-

Changing the permissions of that directory and its children fixed it, thanks!

We were getting the out of memory error on the main CWIS admin page for sure. We were not getting it on the home page. We didn't check other pages. 

So, we are not getting any more "F ERR Unable to write out minimized JavaScript for file"  messages now.  

We are still getting messages like this though:

2016-04-12 15:42:55 F WRN Unregistered event signaled (BROWSCAP_GET_BROWSER).
Any pointers for that one?  The Browser Capabilities plugin is activated. 


Re: CWIS system log filling up

Glad to hear fixing the permissions took care of the problem.  As an added bonus, the site should now be slightly more responsive for users, since they'll be loading minimized versions of the JavaScript files.

That "Unregistered event" error message is a little bit baffling, as it definitely shouldn't be coming up if the Browser Capabilities plugin is enabled.  I've attached the latest version of ApplicationFramework.php, that you could try temporarily swapping in (in lib/ScoutLib).  It adds some additional contextual information to the "Unregistered event" error message, that may be helpful in determining the cause of the problem.