E-mail Resource Bug (Mail It Plugin)

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E-mail Resource Bug (Mail It Plugin)

I believe we are using 3.2.0 at the moment, and when we attempt to use the E-mail Resource tool, while an e-mail is successfully sent, there is no content to the message what-so-ever. The message displays with the subject line [user name] Sent a Resource from [our portal name]  but no text, image, anything is included in the message, only blank space. I am confident that we had used this tool successfully in the past. Any assistance would be appreciated. 

*also, I believe this function is associated with the Mail It plugin (dependencies CWISCore 3.1.0; Mailer 1.0.7)

Re: E-mail Resource Bug (Mail It Plugin)

You're right -- that functionality is provided by the MailIt plugin, using a template managed by the Mailer plugin.  What are the contents of the message body in whatever template you have selected in the MailIt plugin configuration?

Re: E-mail Resource Bug (Mail It Plugin)

I'm unsure. Unfortunately, we're in a bit of a spot as we don't have any in-house dedicated tech support (our last tech with any cwis experience is no longer able to assist us). In the configuation settings for Mail It the only selectable option in the dropdown box for e-mail template is "MailIt Default." The the configuration settings for the mailer plugin, I see the following:


 Base url:           [blank field]         "This value overrides any automatically-determined value for the X-BASEURL-X template keyword

E-mail Task Priority:  "Background"      "Priority of the e-mail sending tasks when using the task queue"

Re: E-mail Resource Bug (Mail It Plugin)

Okay, you can check the contents of the "MailIt Default" template by going to "Edit Email Templates" in the Collection Admin section on the Administration page.

Re: E-mail Resource Bug (Mail It Plugin)

Great. I've included a screenshot of what I'm seeing. Does anything stick out to you?

Re: E-mail Resource Bug (Mail It Plugin)

It looks like maybe the screenshot didn't get attached?

Re: E-mail Resource Bug (Mail It Plugin)

sorry about that...trying again here.

Re: E-mail Resource Bug (Mail It Plugin)

Everything in that screenshot looks correct. Can you use the 'Email Resource' button to send a resource to chalpin@scout.wisc.edu ? It would help us to have one of the problematic messages for debugging.

Thank you.

Re: E-mail Resource Bug (Mail It Plugin)

It's even stranger than completely blank... the message I got had a MIME wrapper containing a text/plain and a text/html part, with both of the parts inside it being empty. From the message I got, I would have expected an email template where the two 'Body' fields had been left empty. But that's clearly not the case in the screenshot you posted.

I've tried a number of things in our test environment, but I've not been able to replicate this problem so far.

Is there anything in your apache error_log?

Would you be willing to email me a mysql dump of your site's database to further help me debug the issue?

Re: E-mail Resource Bug (Mail It Plugin)

Would it be easy to describe the steps to acess the error log and send the mysql dump? I'm a coding/tech novice who happens to be currently overseeing our database. And thanks again for taking so much time to help with this already.

Re: E-mail Resource Bug (Mail It Plugin)

Yes it'll be easy to describe the steps involved, but I'll need a bit more information to be able to do it.

From the headers in the email you sent me, it looks like you're on a CentOS machine. Is that right? Do you have shell access to it (e.g., with ssh), or do you use a control panel software of some kind? If it's a control panel, which one?

If you don't want to post that information on a public forum, feel free to just email me (chalpin@scout.wisc.edu) and we can work it out from there.

Re: E-mail Resource Bug (Mail It Plugin)

Thanks, again. I did some basic to updates our interface a while back using ssh. It's been a while and I'd be learning everything on the fly again, but I might have a chance to try and gain access again tomorrow or early next week. If I have too much trouble or it's taking too much time, I may have to reach out to our tech services again to try and find someone else who can do this kind of work much more efficiently than I can.  I'll be sure to let you know and will try to give you some form of a timetable tomorrow. Again, I really appreciate the help.

Re: E-mail Resource Bug (Mail It Plugin)

Sounds like a good plan. We're glad to help.

If your error_log is in the default location for CentOS, then the command to see the last 50 lines is:

tail -n 50 /var/log/httpd/error_log

I'd suggest sending another email prior to running that so that any errors (if there are any, that is) will be near the end of the file.


You can double-check where your server is configured to log errors with:

fgrep -nr ErrorLog /etc/httpd/{conf,conf.d,vhosts} | egrep -v ':#|.disabled|.rpm(new|save)'

If all it tells you is somethilg like /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf:455:ErrorLog logs/error_log, then your error logs are in the default place. But if they're somewhere else, then that somewhere should be listed in the output of the above pipeline.


As for getting the mysqldump, cd into your CWIS site. If you cat local/config.php, there will be a "convenience cut&paste" near the end. Take that command, replacing mysql with mysqldump and adding | gzip > ~/db_dump.sql.gz to the end. It will look something like:

mysqldump --user=XX --password=YY ZZ | gzip > ~/db_dump.sql.gz

After that completes, you'll have a db_dump.sql.gz file in your home directory that you can attach to an email.